Additional exposure endpoints

The system APIs provide additional endpoints to interact with exposures.

Deleting draft exposures

During the FNOL process, the claim passes through two states: draft and open.

  • A draft claim is a claim that has been saved to the ClaimCenter database, but there is not yet enough information for the claim to enter the adjudication process. Draft claims are not assigned to any user.
  • An open claim is a claim that has been saved to the ClaimCenter database with enough information to enter the adjudication process. Once a claim becomes open, it is assigned to an adjuster.

A draft exposure is an exposure on a draft claim. While a claim is in a draft state, you can delete any exposures created on the claim using the DELETE /claims/{claimId}/exposures/{exposureId} endpoint.

Executing a POST /claims/{claimId}/submit on a draft claim promotes the claim and all of its exposures to open status. Once a claim has been submitted, you can no longer delete its exposures.

Validating exposures

Similar to claim validation, the POST /claim/{claimId}/exposures/{exposureId}/validate endpoint returns allvalidation levels reached for the given exposure. It can also be used to determine what conditions must be met for the exposure to advance to a given validation level.

Checking an exposure's validation level can be useful in the following situations:

  • You want to determine whether the exposure has enough information to be assigned to an adjuster. You can use the /validate endpoint to determine if the exposure has reached the "new loss completion" level. If the exposure is below the "new loss completion" level, the payload identifies the conditions needed to reach "new loss completion".
  • You want to execute a payment for an exposure. You can use the /validate endpoint to determine if the exposure has reached the "ability to pay" level, as well as all levels before “ability to pay”. If the exposure is below the "ability to pay" level, the payload identifies the conditions needed to reach "ability to pay".
  • Your instance of ClaimCenter has custom validation levels. You can use the /validate endpoint to determine all the levels the exposure has reached in its lifecycle, including those custom levels.

For more information on validation through system APIs, see Validating claims.

Closing exposures

During an exposure's life cycle, the exposure's status typically moves from draft to open to closed. An exposure is closed to indicate that no further payments are expected to be made from the exposure.

In the base configuration, ClaimCenter automatically closes an exposure when a "final payment" is made from the exposure's reserve line. (A "final payment" is a payment whose payment type is final, as opposed to a payment whose type is partial.)

You can also close exposures through the system APIs at any time. Broadly speaking, once an exposure is closed, payments can no longer be made from that exposure. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For more information, see the Application Guide.

To close an exposure, use the POST /claim/{claimId}/exposures/{exposureId}/close endpoint.