Creating claim notes

Notes must be created from an existing claim or activity using one of the following endpoints:

  • POST claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/notes
  • POST common/v1/activities/{activityId}/notes

The only field required for a note is body, which stores the note's text. You can optionally specify these fields:

Field Datatype Description Default
confidential Boolean Whether the note is confidential false
relatedTo Inline object For notes attached to claims, this is either the parent claim, or the child object (the ClaimContact, exposure, or service request), if any, that the note is related to The parent claim
securityType Typekey (a value from the NoteSecurityType typelist) The note's security type NULL
subject string The note's subject NULL
topic Typekey (a value from the NoteTopicType typelist) The note's topic type general

Minimal notes

The following is an example of creating a minimal note for claim cc:102.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:102/notes

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "body": "The insured's last name, Cahill, is pronounced 'KAH-hill', not 'KAY-hill'." 

Notes with additional details

The following is an example of creating a detailed note for claim cc:102.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:102/notes

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "body": "The insured's last name, Cahill, is pronounced 'KAH-hill', not 'KAY-hill'." ,
        "confidential": false,
        "securityType": {
          "code": "public"
        "subject": "Pronunciation note",
        "topic": {
          "code": "general"

Notes attached to child objects

By default, every note is attached only to the parent claim. You can attach a note to one of the claim's child objects using the relatedTo field. This field has the following syntax:

"relatedTo": {
  "id": "<childObjectId>",
  "type": "<childObjectType>"

For example, the following creates a note on claim cc:102 for the exposure with id cc:48:

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:102/notes

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "body": "The claimant's last name, Cahill, is pronounced 'KAH-hill', not 'KAY-hill'.",
        "relatedTo": {
          "id": "cc:48",
          "type": "Exposure"

Notes for an activity

The following is an example of creating a note for activity xc:22.

POST /common/v1/activities/xc:22/notes

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "body": "This activity was completed during a telephone call with the insured on 11/17." 