Querying for check sets and checks

You can use the following endpoints to query for check-related information.

Endpoint Description
GET​ /claims​/{claimId}​/check-sets

Retrieve a list of check sets

(This endpoint is "potentially large". See below.)

GET /claims​/{claimId}​/check-sets​/{checkSetId} Retrieve details of a check set
GET​ /claims​/{claimId}​/checks

The checks associated with a given claim

(This endpoint is "potentially large". See below.)

GET ​/claims​/{claimId}​/checks​/{checkId} The details of a specific check
GET ​/claims​/{claimId}​/payments

The payment transactions associated with a given claim

(This endpoint is "potentially large". See below.)

GET /claims​/{claimId}​/payments​/{transactionId} The details of a specific payment transaction

Some endpoints are "potentially large". Cloud API returns an error if you attempt to sort on this endpoint and the sort cannot be accomplished efficiently. For more information, see Potentially large endpoints.

Sample response for a check set

For example, the ClaimCenter sample data includes a claim whose ID is demo_sample:1. This claim has one check set. The following is the call to get that check set, and the response. The response has been edited for clarity. Note the following:

  • The check set has one check.
  • The check set was approved on 2021-08-11.
  • The check set was submitted by Andy Applegate.
  • Based on the check's display name, the check number was 10436. It was a check for Ray Newton for $2000.
GET claims/demo_sample:1/check-sets/cc:28

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "approvalDate": "2021-08-11T07:00:00.000Z",
      "approvalStatus": {
        "code": "approved",
        "name": "Approved"
      "checks": [
          "displayName": "Check #10436: Ray Newton -- $2,000.00"
      "createTime": "2021-08-24T19:00:02.529Z",
      "id": "cc:28",
      "requestingUser": {
        "displayName": "Andy Applegate"

Sample response for a check

Following on from the previous example, the following is the call to get the check in the check set, and the response. The response has been edited for clarity. Note the following:

  • The check number is 10436.
  • The check's gross amount is $2000 USD.
  • The check has one payee - Ray Newton.
  • The check's money comes from 5 payment transactions.
  • The check has been issued.
GET claims/demo_sample:1/checks/cc:34

  "data": {
     "attributes": {
        "checkNumber": "10436",
        "grossAmount": {
           "amount": "2000.00",
           "currency": "usd"
        "id": "cc:34",
        "issueDate": "2021-08-11T07:00:00.000Z",
        "payees": [
              "contact": {
                 "displayName": "Ray Newton"
              "id": "cc:41",
              "payeeType": {
                "code": "claimant",
                "name": "Claimant"
         "paymentMethod": {
           "code": "check",
           "name": "Check"
         "payments": [
             "displayName": "(1) 1st Party Vehicle - Ray Newton;
                             Claim Cost/Auto body; Submitted"
             "displayName": "(2) 1st Party Med Pay - Stan Newton;
                             Claim Cost/Medical; Submitted"
             "displayName": "(2) 1st Party Med Pay - Stan Newton;
                             Claim Cost/Medical; Submitted"
             "displayName": "(1) 1st Party Vehicle - Ray Newton;
                             Expense - A&O/Other; Submitted"
             "displayName": "(2) 1st Party Med Pay - Stan Newton;
                             Expense - A&O/Other; Submitted"
         "status": {
           "code": "issued",
           "name": "Issued"