Creating ClaimContacts during FNOL

There is one limitation to ClaimContact behavior during FNOL.

Creating a ClaimContact with a reserved role during FNOL

When you create a draft claim, you can create a ClaimContact and assign that ClaimContact a reserved role in a single request that uses request inclusion. For example, the following payload creates a new claim with a new ClaimContact (Robert Farley) who is assigned the role of reporter.

POST /claim/v1/claims


  "data" : {
    "attributes": {
      "lossDate": "2025-02-01T07:00:00.000Z",
      "policyNumber": "FNOL-POLICY",
      "reporter": {
            "refid": "robertFarley"
  "included": {
    "ClaimContact": [
        "attributes": {
          "firstName": "Robert",
          "lastName": "Farley",
          "contactSubtype": "Person"
        "refid": "robertFarley",
        "method": "post",
        "uri": "/claim/v1/claims/this/contacts"

Creating a ClaimContact with a non-reserved role during FNOL

However, when you create a draft claim, you cannot create a ClaimContact and assign that ClaimContact a non-reserved role in a single request that uses request inclusion. This is because non-reserved roles are specified through the editableRoles array. Every member of this array must have a relatedTo object identifying the object the ClaimContact is related to. The field does not support use of the this keyword. Thus, there is no way to reference the claim to be created in the ClaimContact payload.

In order to create a ClaimContact with a non-reserved role during FNOL, you must do one of the following:

  • Create the claim and the ClaimContact in separate requests. (The second request must use the ID of the claim created in the first request.)
  • Create the claim and the ClaimContact in separate subrequests in a composite request. (The first subrequest must pass the ID of the claim to the second subrequest.)