Vehicle incidents

A vehicle incident is an object that captures loss information about a vehicle.

A vehicle incident typically includes an inline damageable called vehicle, with fields that describe inherent qualities of the vehicle, such as make, model, and licenseplate. The vehicle incident also contains additional information specific to the loss, such as airbagsdeployed, collisionpoint, and driver. You do not have to specify vehicle when creating a vehicle incident. If you do want to specify vehicle, you can either:

  • Specify an existing vehicle on the policy by providing its policySystemId.
  • Specify an existing vehicle risk unit on the claim by providing its ClaimCenter id.
  • Create a new vehicle by providing its attributes inline.

Unlike some other inline damageables, a vehicle cannot be created as a referenced resource in the included section and then specified by refid. A new vehicle must be created as an inlined damageable.

Endpoints for managing vehicle incidents

Use the following endpoints to manage property contents incidents:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incidents
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incidents
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incidents/{incidentId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incidents/{incidentId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incidents/{incidentId}

For example, the following request creates a vehicle incident for claim cc:1134. The vehicle incident's vehicle is provided, and it is created as an inlined resource.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:1134/vehicle-incidents

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "collisionPoint": {
                "code": "front"
            "damageDescription": "Damage to bumper and front panels",
            "driver": {
                "id": "cc:102"
            "severity": {
                "code": "moderate-auto"
            "vehicle": {
                "licensePlate": "7FDG745",
                "make": "Mercury",
                "model": "Sable",
                "state": {
                    "code": "CA",
                    "name": "California"
                "vin": "6GYF54637HD645370",
                "year": 1993