Closing and reopening matters

Closing matters

Use the following endpoint to close a matter:

  • POST /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/matters/{matterId}/close

A request body is not required, but you can include it to specify either of the following:

  • A note, which is a string value to explain why the matter was closed.
  • A reason, which must be set to a value from the ResolutionType typelist.

For example, the following request closes matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 with an optional note and optional reason of "Petition/motion withdrawn (PMW)".

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/close

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "note": "Opposing counsel withdrew petition to reassign fault",
      "reason": {
        "code": "PMW"

When you close a matter, the closeDate field is set to the current date and time.

Reopening matters

Use the following endpoint to reopen a matter:

  • POST /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/matters/{matterId}/reopen

A request body is not required, but you can include it to specify either of the following:

  • A note, which is a string value to explain why the matter was reopened.
  • A reason, which must be set to a value from the MatterReopenedReason typelist.

For example, the following request reopens matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 with an optional reason of "mistake".

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/reopen

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "reason": {
        "code": "mistake"

When you reopen a matter, the closeDate field is set to null.