Working with contacts from the policy

Every ClaimContact has an id, which is an identifier assigned by ClaimCenter. ClaimContacts that are listed on the policy also have a policySystemId. This value comes from the PAS (Policy Administration System), and it is set by the custom integration code that copies the policy and its contacts from the PAS to ClaimCenter. For example, suppose Elsa Koplin is the insured on a claim. Once the claim has been created, the Elsa Koplin contact has both an id (such as cc:3131) and a policySystemId (such as pc:2000-acme-12445).

Assigning roles to policy contacts during initial claim creation

When you are constructing an initial draft claim, contacts on the policy have not yet been copied over to ClaimCenter, and therefore do not have id values yet. You can assign roles to policy contacts using their policy system ID. For example, the following request creates a new claim with minimal information. It also specifies Elsa Koplin is the reporter by using her policy system ID.


POST /claim/v1/claims


  "data" : {
    "attributes": {
      "lossDate": "2023-02-01T07:00:00.000Z",
      "policyNumber": "FNOL-POLICY",
      "reporter": {
        "policySystemId": "pc:2000-acme-12445"

Assigning roles to policy contacts after claim creation

When the claim is created, ClaimCenter copies the policy contacts over to ClaimCenter and assigns ClaimCenter IDs to them. From this point forward, you can identify a policy contact using either their id or the policySystemId. For example, the following command PATCHes claim cc:402 and set Elsa Koplin as the main contact. There are two versions of the request payload. The first uses her id (cc:3131). The second uses her policySystemId (pc:2000-acme-12445). Both payloads accomplish the same objective.


PATCH /claim/v1/claims/cc:402

Request: Version 1 (using id)

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "maincontact": {
        "id": "cc:3131"

Request: Version 2 (using policySystemId)

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "maincontact": {
        "policySystemId": "pc:2000-acme-12445"