Copying vendor contacts from ContactManager

You can add a ClaimContact to a claim by copying an existing contact from ContactManager. This is typically done for vendor contacts, which are managed by ContactManager and shared across multiple claims.

When you copy an existing vendor contact from ContactManager, ClaimCenter links the new ClaimContact to its associated contact in ContactManager. This means that any changes made to the contact in one application (such as changes to its phone number) are shared with the other system. For information on linked ClaimContacts, refer to the Application Guide.

When you copy an existing vendor from ContactManager, you must specify the contact's syncAddressBookUID and at least one role for the contact. The way in which this is done depends on whether the role is reserved or non-reserved.

Copying shared vendors and giving them a reserved role

If the vendor needs to have a reserved role on the claim, you must use request inclusion. For more information on request inclusion, see Request and response inclusion.

  • The parent request is a POST or PATCH that creates or modifies the object on which the vendor has the role. For example, this could be a service request, where the vendor is the specialist, or an injury incident, where the vendor is the primary doctor.
    • The parent request must include the role and reference the vendor using a refid.
  • The child request is a POST that copies the vendor to ClaimCenter.
    • The attributes section has only one field, syncAddressBookUID. This field is set to the vendor's linkID in ContactManager.
    • The refid is set to the same refid value used in the parent request.

For example, suppose claim cc:404 already exists in ClaimCenter. Helen Davis is an auto mechanic vendor who already exists in ContactManager with a linkID of ab:68. You want to create a service request for claim cc:404 and specify that the service request's specialist is Helen Davis. To do this, you would use request inclusion.

  • The parent request is a POST that creates the service request.
    • It includes the role (specialist) and references the vendor using a refid (such as serviceSpecialistContact).
  • The child request is a POST that copies the vendor to ClaimCenter.
    • The attributes section has only one field, syncAddressBookUID. This field is set to the vendor's linkID in ContactManager (ab:68).
    • The refid is set to the same refid value used in the parent request (such as serviceSpecialistContact).

This example is depicted in the following request.


POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:404/service-requests

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {	
       "kind": {
           "code": "serviceonly"
       "specialist": {
           "refid": "serviceSpecialistContact"
       "instruction": {
         "customer": {
           "id": "cc:13"
         "serviceAddress": {
           "addressLine1": "1313 Mockingbird Lane",
           "city": "Arcadia",
           "country": "US",
           "postalCode": "91006",
           "state": {
             "code": "CA",
             "name": "California"
         "services": [
             "code": "autoothersalvage"
      "requestedServiceCompletionDate": "2025-03-19"
  "included": {
    "ClaimContact": [
            "syncAddressBookUID": "ab:68"
        "refid": "serviceSpecialistContact",
        "method": "post",
        "uri": "/claim/v1/claims/cc:404/contacts",

Copying shared vendors and giving them a non-reserved role

If the vendor needs to have a non-reserved role on the claim, then you use a simple POST. The POST must specify the following fields and only the following fields:

  • syncAddressBookUID, which must be set to the contact's linkID in ContactManager
  • The editableRoles array, with at least one role and its related object

For example, James Anderson is an attorney in ContactManager whose linkID is ab:68. The following request adds him to claim cc:404 with the role of attorney on the claim itself.


POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:404/contacts

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "syncAddressBookUID": "ab:68",
      "editableRoles": [
          "role": {
            "code": "attorney"
          "relatedTo": {
            "type": "Claim",
            "id": "cc:404"