Closing claims

Use the following endpoint to close a claim:

  • POST /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/close

A request body is not required, but you can include it to specify a closedOutcome, which must be set to a value from the ClaimClosedOutcomeType typelist (such as completed or duplicate).

For example, the following request closes claim cc:706 with a closed outcome of completed.


POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:706/close

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "closedOutcome": {
        "code": "completed"
Be aware that validation rules can prevent the closing of the claim. For example, in the base configuration, a claim cannot be closed if it has open exposures. If you attempt to close a claim with open exposures, ClaimCenter responds with a message similar to the following.
"message": "Claim: There are still open exposures for this claim. Please close all exposures 
before closing the claim."

Reopening a closed claim

Use the following endpoint to reopen a closed claim:

  • POST /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/reopen

A request body is not required, but you can include it to specify either of the following:

  • A note, which is a string value to explain why the claim has been reopened
  • A reason, which must be set to a value from the ClaimReopenedReason typelist (such as mistake or paymentdenied).

For example, the following request reopens claim cc:706 (assuming it is closed):


POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:706/reopen

Request body


You cannot reopen exposures on a closed claim. The claim must be reopened before you can reopen its exposures.