Searching for active and archived claims

By default, the GET /claims endpoint returns only claims that are associated with the caller and are not archived. If you want to search for claims that are not associated with you, are archived, or are otherwise excluded from the GET /claims results, you can use one of the following endpoints:

  • POST /claim/v1/search/claims-v2
  • POST /claim/v1/search/claims-freetext

The /claim/v1/search/claims-v2 endpoint can be used to find claims unassociated with the caller and archived claims. Note that, for any claim that the caller does not have access to, the claim will appear in the search results. But the caller will not be able to view it using the GET /claims/{claimId} endpoint.

The /claim/v1/search/claims-freetext can also be used to find claims unassociated with the caller and archived claims, but only if free text search has been enabled. For more information about using free-text search, see the Application Guide.

Note: There is an additional search endpoint, POST /claim/v1/search/claims. Guidewire has deprecated this endpoint to indicate that, although it is backwards compatible, new usage of this endpoint is no longer recommended. The POST /claim/v1/search/claims-v2 offers all of the capabilities of the deprecated endpoint and provides additional request parameters, a more detailed response payload, and it can include archived claims.

Request payload for a claim search

The request object for a POST /claim/v1/search/claims-v2 call must include a body. The body must specify search parameters using the following syntax:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "archivedSearch": booleanValue,
      "claimNumber": "stringValue",
      "companyName": "stringValue",
      "firstName": "stringValue",
      "lastName": "stringValue",
      "nameSearchType": {
        "code": " ClaimSearchNameSearchTypeCode ",
      "policyNumber": "stringValue",
      "taxId": "stringValue"

You must provide one of the following fields for a minimum request payload:


The companyName field and the firstName/lastName fields cannot be included in the same request payload.

  • claimNumber
  • companyName
    • nameSearchType (optional)
  • firstName
  • lastName
    • nameSearchType (optional)
  • policyNumber
  • taxID
    • nameSearchType (optional)

For example, the following payload will search for all claims associated with policy number 54-123456:


POST /claim/v1/search/claims-v2

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "policyNumber": "54-123456"

The following payload will search for all claims where there is a claimant who has a first name of "Ray" and a last name of "Newton":

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": "Ray",
      "lastName": "Newton"

Request payload for free-text search

The request object for a POST /claim/v1/search/claims-freetext call must include a body. The body must specify search parameters that use free-text search; the field name returns results from the free-text search index. For example:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "address": {
        "addressLine1": "1313 Monroe Lane",
        "city": "Pomona",
        "country": "US",
        "state": {
          "code": "CA",
      "name": "Ray Newton",
      "nameSearchType": {
        "code": "any",
      "phoneNumber": "555 413 4545"

For more information about using free-text search, see the ClaimCenter Application Guide.

Searching for archived claims

To search for archived claims, add the field archivedSearch and set the field to true. Request payloads that do not include the archivedSearch field (or that set archivedSearch to false) automatically search only for active claims.

If archiving is not enabled on your instance of ClaimCenter, the response payload returns a 400 error. Note that the error message does not mention archiving explicitly:
    "status": 400,
    "errorCode": "",
    "userMessage": "The operation is not currently allowed for this resource"

Searching by name and tax ID

When the payload includes either the firstName , lastName , companyName, or taxID, the default behavior is to search for claims where there is a claimant with that first, last, company name, or tax ID.

You can also use the nameSearchType parameter to execute searches where the named person is either the insured, an additional insured, or has any role on the claim. To do this, provide one of the following codes for the ClaimSearchNameSearchType code:

  • addinsured (additional insured)
  • any (any role on the claim, including the roles beyond additional insured, claimant, and insured)
  • claimant (this is the default behavior)
  • insured

For example, the following payload will search for all claims where the insured has a first name of "Ray" and a last name of "Newton". The nameSearchType uses a field from the ClaimSearchNameSearchType code:


POST /claim/v1/search/claims-v2 

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "firstName": "Ray",
      "lastName": "Newton",
      "nameSearchType": {
        "code": "insured"

The following payload searches for all the archived claims where the insured has the company name of Wright Construction:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "archivedSearch": true,
      "companyName": "Wright Construction",

Response payload for an empty claim search

The system APIs do not require you to provide any search parameters, but ClaimCenter will not execute a claim search with no search parameters. If you attempt to execute a claim search without search parameters, either from the user interface or through a system API, ClaimCenter returns the following error message:

Please specify Claim #, Policy #, any Contact field, Assigned To Group, Assigned To User, Created By, Cat #, VIN or License Plate

Note that this message is intended primarily for user interface claim searches, which is why it makes reference to fields not available to the /claim/v1/search/claims-v2 endpoint, such as Assigned To Group, Assigned To User, and Created By.

Response payload for a claim search

The /claim/v1/claims and /claim/v1/claims/{claimId} endpoints return a claim or a collection of claims. The claim/v1/search/claims-v2 endpoint returns a collection in the ClaimSearchResultWrapper. Consequently, the endpoint returns a payloads with a slightly different structure.

The following table identifies the primary differences.

Information Claim payload example ClaimSearchResultWrapper payload example
Claim owner
"assignedUser": {
  "displayName": "Andy Applegate",
  "id": "demo_sample:1"
"adjusterName": "Andy Applegate"
Claim ID
"id": "cc:33",
"claimId": "cc:33"
"insured": {
    "displayName": "Bill Kinman ",
    "id": "cc:33",
    "uri": "/claim/v1/claims/cc:33/
"insuredName": "Bill Kinman"
"included": {
  "ClaimContact": [
      "attributes": {
        "id": "cc:101",
        "roles": [
          "relatedTo": {
            "id": "cc:47",
            "type": "Exposure"
          "role": {
            "code": "claimant"
"claimants": [
  "Bill Kinman"

You can use query parameters to refine the response payload to exclude default fields and include non-default fields. For more information, see Query parameters.

Depending on whether the search was for archived or active claims, the response payload will vary.

The following sections identify the differences between archived and active claim search results.

Active claim search results

In the following example, a policy holder searched for all claims associated with Bill Kinman:

  • adjusterName states the name of the claim’s assigned user
  • assignedGroup provides the group assigned to the claim
  • claimID
  • claimNumber
  • A list of the claimants
  • The flagged field stating if the adjuster provided a unique flag statement for the claim
  • futurePayments are the payments scheduled to be sent
  • insuredName
  • lossDate of the claim
  • The total amount paid
  • policyNumber of the claim
  • remainingReserves left on the claim
  • status of the claim, stating whether it is open or closed
    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "adjusterName": "Andy Applegate",
                "assignedGroup": "Auto1 - TeamA",
                "claimId": "cc:SO",
                "claimNumber": "235-53-425891",
                "claimants": [
                    "Bill Kinman"
                "flagged": true,
                "futurePayments": {
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "insuredName": "Bill Kinman",
                "lossDate": "2021-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
                "paid": {
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "policyNumber": "4775949863-02",
                "remainingReserves": {
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
                "status": {
                    "code": "open",
                    "name": "Open"

Archived claim search results

Archived claim search results produce similar results to the active claim search, but also include archive-related fields. These archive-related fields include the following:

  • The archiveState of the claim stating whether the claim is archived or is returning to an active claim state
  • Whether the claim was archived or not (always true)
  • The archivedAdjuster which states the adjuster that performed the archive
  • The claimInfoID stating the identification number of the claimInfo object that allows the archived claim to be retrieved