Managing other structure incidents

An other structure incident is an object that captures loss information about structures other than a main dwelling, such as a detached garage, shed, or fence.

Other structure incidents do not make use of any inline damageable.

Endpoints for managing other structure incidents

Use the following endpoints to manage other structure incidents:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/other-structure-incidents
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/other-structure-incidents
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/other-structure-incidents/{incidentId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/other-structure-incidents/{incidentId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/other-structure-incidents/{incidentId}

For example, the following request creates a dwelling incident for claim cc:77.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:77/other-structure-incidents

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
    "description": "Shed damaged by falling tree",
    "lossParty": {
         "code": "insured"