Baggage incidents

A baggage incident is an object that captures loss information about a piece of baggage that was lost or damaged during a covered trip. Travel policies may also cover individual items within the baggage. Each covered item is an assessment content item.

In ClaimCenter, baggage incidents are stored in the BaggageIncident entity, which is a subtype of MobilePropertyIncident. Assessment content items are stored in the AssessmentContentItem entity.

In Cloud API, the Claim API has multiple sets of endpoints for baggage incident information:

  • One set for the baggage incident itself
  • One set for assessment content items

In each set, there is a collection GET, a POST, an element GET, a PATCH, and a DELETE.

Endpoints for managing baggage incidents

Use the following endpoints to manage baggage incidents:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/baggage-incidents
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/baggage-incidents
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/baggage-incidents/{incidentId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/baggage-incidents/{incidentId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/baggage-incidents/{incidentId}

For example, the following request creates a baggage incident for claim cc:76.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:76/baggage-incidents

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "baggageType": {
                "code": "suitcase",
            "description": "Item lost in transit",
            "relatedTripRiskUnit": {
                "id": "cc:SHEXDGWJHfyVMKSxBLFZ9",

Endpoints for managing assessment content items

Use the following endpoints to manage assessment content items:

For example, the following request retrieves the assessment content items for baggage incident cc:443 on claim cc:76.

GET /claim/v1/claims/cc:76/baggage-incidents/cc:443/assessment-content-items


    "count": 2,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "contentCategory": {
                    "code": "computers",
                    "name": "Computers"
                "contentSchedule": {
                    "code": "travel",
                    "name": "Travel"
                "description": "iPad Pro",
                "id": "cc:SxxdfwnGPPus1JO9lUrPh",
                "incidentOrder": 1,
                "numberOfItems": 1,
                "purchaseCost": {
                    "amount": "760.00",
                    "currency": "usd"
            "attributes": {
                "contentCategory": {
                    "code": "cameras",
                    "name": "Cameras"
                "contentSchedule": {
                    "code": "travel",
                    "name": "Travel"
                "description": "Nikon TX-40",
                "id": "cc:SC3nyG7KaG6yypqDvE76X",
                "incidentOrder": 2,
                "numberOfItems": 1,
                "purchaseCost": {
                    "amount": "1200.00",
                    "currency": "usd"