Property contents incidents

Some types of policies cover property owned by the insured that is stored in a given location. For example:

  • On a homeowner's policy, jewelry or electronics could be covered on the policy.
  • On a business owner's policy, business equipment could be covered on the policy.

A property contents incident is an object that contains a set of these covered items. Each covered piece is either an assessment content item or a scheduled item.

A scheduled item is an item on a policy that has been singled out as having an unusual value. For example, a single necklace could be valued higher than the policy’s overall coverage for jewelry. Therefore, the necklace could be added as a scheduled item that is covered separately from any jewelry already covered as assessment content items.

In ClaimCenter, property content incidents are stored in the PropertyContentsIncident entity. Items covered by a property contents incident are usually small enough to be moveable. Thus, the PropertyContentsIncident entity is a subtype of MobilePropertyIncident. Assessment content items are stored in the AssessmentContentItem entity. Scheduled items are stored in the PropertyContentsScheduledItem entity.

In Cloud API, the Claim API has multiple sets of endpoints for property content incident information:

  • One set for the property content incident itself
  • One set for assessment content items
  • One set for scheduled items

In each set, there is a collection GET, a POST, an element GET, a PATCH, and a DELETE.

When working with assessment content items, there are differences between the ClaimCenter user interface and Cloud API.

  • In the user interface, the Notes field is read-only, and its content is populated by business rules. In Cloud API, the corresponding field, itemComment, is editable.
  • In the user interface, the Description is required. In Cloud API, the corresponding field, description, is not required.

Endpoints for managing property contents incidents

Use the following endpoints to manage property contents incidents:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}

For example, the following request creates a property contents incident for claim cc:117.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:117/property-contents-incidents

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "description": "Items stolen during burglary",
            "location": {
                "address": {
                    "id": "cc:SztgJU4ZkQ_tZx0rIW2fL",
                "primaryLocation": false

Endpoints for managing assessment content items

Use the following endpoints to manage assessment content items:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/assessment-content-items
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/assessment-content-items
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/assessment-content-items/{assessmentContentItemId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/assessment-content-items/{assessmentContentItemId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/assessment-content-items/{assessmentContentItemId}

For example, the following request creates an assessment content item for property contents incident cc:505 on claim cc:117.

POST /claim/v1/claims/cc:117/property-contents-incidents/cc:505/assessment-content-items

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "contentCategory": {
                "code": "jewelry"
            "contentSchedule": {
                "code": "homeowners"
            "description": "Necklace",
            "numberOfItems": 1,
            "purchaseCost": {
                "amount": "1200.00",
                "currency": "usd"

Endpoints for managing scheduled items

Use the following endpoints to manage scheduled items on a property contents incident:

  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/scheduled-items
  • POST /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/scheduled-items
  • GET /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/scheduled-items/{scheduledItemId}
  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/scheduled-items/{scheduledItemId}
  • DELETE /claims/{claimId}/property-contents-incidents/{incidentId}/scheduled-items/{scheduledItemId}

The scheduled item must already exist before it can be added to an incident. For example, the following request adds scheduled item cc:410 to property contents incident cc:505 on claim cc:117


POST /claims/cc:117/property-contents-incidents/CC:505/scheduled-items


    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "propertyItem": {
                "id": "cc:410"

Note that in the base configuration there are no properties under propertyItem that can be modified with the PATCH command. The PATCH command is available for potential use with custom extensions.