POSTing a minimal draft claim

You can use the Claim API's POST /claims endpoint to create a draft claim. The minimum amount of information to create a draft claim is:

  • Policy number
  • Loss date

A policy with the given policy number must exist in the system or class that is acting as the Policy Administration System, and the loss date must occur while the policy is in force. If you provide a policy number that does not exist or is not in effect on the given date, you will get a 400 response with an error message similar to one of the following:

"userMessage": "No policy was found with policy number ABC123 for loss date 2020-01-01T07:00:00.000Z"

Tutorial: POSTing a minimal draft claim for personal auto

This tutorial assumes you have completed the following prerequisite tutorials:

In this tutorial, you will create a draft claim for a personal auto policy using the minimum amount of information needed.

  1. Start ClaimCenter.
  2. In Postman, start a new request by clicking the + to the right of the Launchpad tab.
    1. On the Authorization tab, select Basic Auth using user su and password gw.
  3. Enter the following call, but do not click Send yet:
    • POST http://localhost:8080/cc/rest/claim/v1/claims
  4. Specify the request payload.
    1. In the first row of tabs (the one that starts with Params), click Body.
    2. In the row of radio buttons, select raw.
    3. At the end of the row of radio buttons, change the drop-down list value from Text to JSON.
    4. Paste the following into the text field underneath the radio buttons:
        "data" : {
          "attributes": {
            "lossDate": "2020-02-01T07:00:00.000Z",
            "policyNumber": "FNOL-POLICY"
    5. If necessary, modify the payload's lossDate to ensure the loss occurred while the policy from the previous tutorial is in force, but not in the future.
  5. Click Send.
  6. The response payload includes the claim's ID and claim number. Copy both of these values to a separate location, as they are needed for later tutorials.

Checking your work

  1. View the new draft claim in ClaimCenter.
    1. In the response payload, note the claim number of the new draft claim. (It is on or near line 8, and it likely starts with "999-99".)
    2. Log on to ClaimCenter as su.
    3. Click the Claim tab, enter the claim number in the Claim # menu item, and press Enter.

ClaimCenter navigates to the draft claim. Because the claim has minimal information only, ClaimCenter navigates to the Basic Info step of the New Claim Wizard. The policy number and loss date are listed in the Info Bar. (Policy number is labeled Pol, and loss date is labeled DoL.) The policy number and loss date should match the data in the POST /claims request payload.

Note that, in the base configuration, the New Claim Wizard does not display claim numbers while the claim is in a draft state.