Assigning matters

A matter can be assigned to a group and a user in that group. This user has the primary responsible for managing the matter.

When you create a matter through Cloud API, ClaimCenter automatically executes the matter assignment rules to initially assign the activity to a group and user. You can use the following endpoint to reassign the activity as needed.

  • POST /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/matters/{matterId}/assign

Matter assignment is similar to activity assignment. For more information on activity assignment, see Assigning activities. The only fundamental differences between the two is that activities can be assigned to queues whereas matters cannot.

Assignment options

A matter can be assigned in the following ways:

  • To a specific group and user in that group
  • To a specific group only (and then ClaimCenter uses assignment rules to select a user in that group)
  • To the claim owner
  • By running the activity assignment rules

The root resource for the /{matterId}/assign endpoint is MatterAssignee. This resource specifies assignment criteria. The MatterAssignee schema has the following fields:

Field Type Description
autoAssign Boolean Whether to assign the matter using assignment rules
claimOwner Boolean Whether to assign the matter to the claim owner
groupId string The ID of the group to assign the matter to
userId string The ID of the user to assign the matter to

The MatterAssignee resource must specify an assignment option. It cannot be empty.

Assignment examples

Assigning to a specific group (and user)

The following payload assigns matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 to group demo_sample:31 and user demo_sample:1. The user must be active and must have the "own matter" system permission.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "groupId" : "demo_sample:31",
      "userId" : "demo_sample:1"

The following payload assigns matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 to group demo-sample:31. Because no user has been specified, ClaimCenter will execute assignment rules to assign the matter to a user in group demo-sample:31.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "groupId" : "demo_sample:31"

Assigning to the claim owner

The following payload assigns matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 to the group and user that owns the claim that the matter is associated with.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "claimOwner" : true

Using automated assignment

The following payload assigns matter cc:99 for claim demo_sample:1 using automated assignment rules.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:1/matters/cc:99/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "autoAssign" : true

For more information on assignment rules, see the Gosu Rules Guide.