Add attribute usage

Attribute usage specifies whether a field is derived, hidden, unavailable, or user entered by default. You can also specify rules that define special cases for this property.

About this task

Note: Field usage is a product model property.


  1. In Advanced Product Designer, navigate to the Attributes tab in a product.
  2. On an attribute, select ... > View Properties.
  3. Select a value from the Default Usage drop-down menu.
  4. Select Rule to add a rule.
  5. In Conditional Exceptions, click Add Condition to add a conditional exception.
  6. In the Rule popup, define the rule conditions in the IF field.
    Depending upon the attribute type, the operator can be:


    Equal to
    != Not equal to
    < Less than
    > Greater than
    <= Less than or equal to
    >= Greater than or equal to

    For example, in Field select Policy:Base Jurisdiction, click Select and choose = as the operator, and set the matching value to California.