Clone and remove product

Clone APD App product

About this task

You often want to start a new product from an existing product. For example, you have a Homeowners product, but you would like to offer a scaled-down product for a smaller type of dwelling such as a tiny house, or you want to stop selling the original product but continue to offer the cloned product. A cloned product has a base edition, but no other editions. In the base edition, tags are preserved, but not rules.


  1. In Advanced Product Designer App, go to the Insurance Products page. This is the main page.
  2. Click a product.
  3. From the ... menu, select Clone product.
  4. Enter values, including Product Name, Identifier, Abbreviation, Line Prefix, and Line Identifier.
    For information about these fields, see Fields on product page.
  5. Click Create.

Remove APD App product

About this task

Note: Removing a visualized product withdraws open policy transactions, such as submissions. You can still view withdrawn policy transactions after removing the product, but policy data, such as coverages, is missing.


  1. In Advanced Product Designer App, go to the Insurance Products page. This is the main page.
  2. Click a product.
  3. From the ... menu, select Remove product.