Conceptualizing products

You conceptualize your product in an XMind mind map. When the mind map has reached a level of stability, you continue conceptualization by importing the product into Advanced Product Designer App.

You can start conceptualizing your product in an XMind mind map or in Advanced Product Designer App. Alternatively, you can upload a template to Advanced Product Designer App to kick-start conceptualization.
Conceptualize in mind map
The most common way to conceptualize a product is by creating a mind map that captures the product requirements. Building your own mind maps is useful when creating products from scratch. You can also download premade mind maps from Guidewire GO Marketplace.
Conceptualize in Advanced Product Designer App
If you don’t want to create a mind map, you can conceptualize products directly in Advanced Product Designer App. Manually add product details and change the product as necessary.
Upload a template
You can export a product as an XML template. You can also find premade templates on Guidewire GO Marketplace to accelerate the process of building products. Upload a template into Advanced Product Designer App to continue conceptualizing a product.

Mono-line and multi-line products

An insurance product consists of one or more product lines, such as general liability and commercial property.

  • A product that consists of only one line is called a mono-line product.

  • A product that consists of more than one line is called a multi-line product.

The product line in a mono-line product can be attached to one or more multi-line products. For example, if you represent a business, you can buy a general liability product that includes only the general liability line and a commercial property product that includes only the commercial property line. Or, you can buy a commercial package product that includes both the general liability and commercial property lines. As another example, an insurer can sell multiple products, each of which includes the same lines. A product can be targeted to a particular type of customer, such as a restaurant, hotel, or university.

For more information on conceptualizing and working with multi-line and mono-line products, see


You can use product editions to change a product after it has gone into production. Typically, products start out with only the Base edition. Create additional editions if there is a filing or other business reason to change the product. By creating new editions, you can iteratively conceptualize and implement changes to products.

See also