Configuring access to third-party data

Note: Access to third-party data is controlled by additional accessible fields filters. As of this release, these filters are used only by ClaimCenter and only by the contactAuthorizationIds and producerCodes access strategies.

An additional accessible fields filter is a set of if/else logic that controls a user's access to third-party data. It consists of an expression in a resource access file that evaluates the business relationship the user has with a given resource. This evaluation may add restrictions that limit the user's access to only the fields that do not contain third-party data.

Configuring access to base configuration entities

Configuring the ClaimContact roles that provide unfiltered access

For some resource access strategies and resources, the ClaimContact roles that provide unfiltered access are declared in a ClaimContact role yaml file. To modify the roles that provide unfiltered access, add or remove roles from this file. To deploy the changes, you must restart the server.

Warning: You can edit the contents of the base configuration ClaimContact role yaml files. But, do not delete or rename any of the files, as this will prevent the base configuration resource access strategies from working as intended.

Configuring the fields that a caller is restricted to

The accessiblefields.yaml files define the types for which access can be filtered. Each type specifies additional edit and view restrictions imposed on users with filtered access.

  • Fields that the user can view or edit must be listed explicitly.
  • If the caller cannot view or edit any fields on the resource, an empty list ([ ]) must be specified.

The accessiblefields.yaml files are configurable. You can add and remove types and fields as needed to suit your implementation. To deploy the changes:

  • If you are in development mode, the file will hotswap a few seconds after it is saved.
  • If you are in production mode, you must restart the server.
Warning: You can edit the contents of the accessiblefields.yaml files. But, do not delete or rename the files, as this will prevent the base configuration resource access strategies from working as intended.

Configuring access for custom entities

If you create a custom entity that stores third-party information, and you want to restrict access to this information, you can add new additional accessible fields filters for the custom entity.

Types of custom "third-party data" entities

There are different categories of custom entities that can store third-party information. The following descriptions make use of the term "API parent". When you generate endpoints for a custom entity, one of the REST endpoint generator prompts is "What is the resource name of the parent?" The resource you specify is the resource's API parent. For example, given the endpoint path /claims/{claimId}/trip-incident/{incidentId}/trip-segments/{segmentId}

  • The API parent of TripIncident is Claim

  • The API parent of TripSegment is TripIncident

There are different categories of custom "third-party data" entities:

  • Custom incident type

    • This is a custom entity that is defined in the data model as a subtype of Incident

    • For example, PetIncident_Ext, which is a subtype of Incident used for a custom pet insurance product

  • Custom entity whose API parent is Claim

    • This is a custom entity whose endpoint path defines Claim (/claim) as the parent

    • For example, FaultAssessment_Ext, which stores information about who caused the loss and has an endpoint path of /claims/{claimId}/fault-assessments-ext

  • Custom entity whose API parent is ClaimContact or an incident type

    • This is a custom entity whose endpoint path defines ClaimContact (/contact) or one of the incident types as the parent

    • For example, Towable_Ext, which stores information about an object towed by a vehicle whose API parent is VehicleIncident and has an endpoint path of /claims/{claimId}/vehicle-incident/{vehicleIncidentId}/towables-ext

Configuration steps

To configure additional accessible fields filters for a custom third-party data entity, you must do the following:

  1. Generate endpoints for the custom entity

  2. Configure an additional accessible fields filter

  3. Configure the accessible fields in the accessiblefields.yaml file

Step 1: Generate endpoints for the custom entity

First, you must generate endpoints for the custom entity using the REST endpoint generator. For more information, see REST endpoint generator overview.

Note that there are additional considerations for custom incidents. For more information, see Incidents and risk units: Implementation overview.

Step 2: Configure an additional accessible fields filter

Next, you must add an additional accessible fields filter to the appropriate resource access extension file. You must also configure any related logic used by your additional accessible fields filter expression.

To define the filter itself, edit the appropriate resource access extension file. For example, to configure the producerCodes resource access strategy, edit the producerCodes_ext-1.0.yaml file.

In the appropriate resource access extension file, add a section that defines the custom type and a viewAndEdit expression. The expression can be defined in two ways.

Setting the filter to a Gosu expression

The expression can be a Gosu expression that returns null or a string.

  • If the expression returns null, no additional restrictions are placed on access to the given resource.

  • If the expression returns a string, Cloud API looks in the integration > roles > additionalaccessiblefieldsfilters directory for a file that starts with the returned string and ends with accessiblefields.yaml. It then adds any additional restrictions defined in that file.

You can use the base configuration's hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnClaimContact or hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnIncident methods.

For example, in the base configuration, producers have restricted access to ClaimContacts. The corresponding additionalAccessibleFieldsFilter expression is:
   viewAndEdit: "user.hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnClaimContact(resource) ? null : \"restricted\""
Suppose you are configuring producer access to a custom incident type named PetIncident_Ext. The REST endpoint generator adds the following to the producerCodes_ext-1.0.yaml file:
   viewAndEdit: "user.hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnIncident(resource) ? null : \"restricted\""

You can use this expression as is. Alternatively, you can write your own method. It can use the following symbols:

  • user - The AuthorizedUser that Cloud API retrieved from the calling token

  • resource - The instance of the resource to be evaluated

Note that you also need to configure any logic called by the additional accessible fields filter expression. For example, the base configuration's hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnClaimContact or hasProducerPrivilegedAccessOnIncident methods check for ClaimContact roles listed in ProducerAccessibleRoles.yaml. If you are using one of these methods, you may need to modify the list of roles in that file.

Setting the filter to __inherit

You can also set the filter to __inherit. This means that the custom resource type inherits any additional accessible fields logic defined by its API parent.

For example, suppose you are configuring producer access to a custom type named Towable_Ext. It has an API parent of VehicleIncident, and you want it to use the same logic as the additional accessible field filter parent for VehicleIncident. To do this, add the following to the producerCodes_ext-1.0.yaml file:
   viewAndEdit: __inherit
The __inherit option is not needed for custom incident types, as this is added automatically by the REST endpoint generator. It is not needed for custom entities whose API parent is Claim, as Claim has no additional accessible fields filter logic to inherit. Therefore, the __inherit option is meaningful only for third-party data entities that are API children of ClaimContact or an incident type.

Step 3: Configure the accessible fields in the accessiblefields.yaml file

Finally, in restricted.accessiblefields.yaml, add the new type to the accessibleFields section. Add both an edit: and view: subsection and specify the fields that are available when a caller has restricted access.

  • You can specify both fields directly on the resource (such as id) and child fields (such as incidentOwner.type).

  • To specify no fields, use an empty list ([ ]).

ClaimCenter throws a runtime exception if any of the following occur:

  • A type has an additional accessible fields filter expression, but the type is not listed in the accessiblefields.yaml file.

  • A type with a viewAndEdit additional accessible fields filter expression is listed in the accessiblefields.yaml file, but it does not have both edit and view subsections.

For example, to restrict access to PetIncident_Ext to only the type and name fields, add the following to restricted.accessiblefields.yaml.
name: restricted
   edit: []
   - type
   - name

For custom incident types, be aware that the REST endpoint generator does add an additional accessible fields filter, but it does not add the type to the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file. For custom incident types, you must add the type to the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file (or remove the additional accessible fields filter). Otherwise, ClaimCenter throws an error any time you attempt to access the custom incident type.

Sorting and filtering on accessible fields

Within a collection, a field can be sortable, which means that the collection is ordered based on the values of that field. A field can also be filterable, which means that the collection members can be filtered based on the field's value.

However, with additional accessible fields filters, a sortable or filterable field may not always be available to the caller. For example, suppose a claim has four ClaimContacts: the insured, the producer, and two-third party contacts. Suppose that primaryPhone is sortable and filterable, but it is also restricted so that the producer cannot access primaryPhone for the third-party contacts. Sorting and filtering on primaryPhone could expose information about those values that the caller should not be allowed to see. What happens if the producer attempts to sort or filter on primaryPhone?

The behavior depends upon whether the collection is query-backed or stream-backed.

Query-backed collections

When a collection is query-backed, Cloud API lets you sort and filter on a field only if the field is available to all callers. In other words, every reference to the collection type in every accessiblefields.yaml file must specify that access to the field is always allowed. If access to the field is not granted to all callers, then sorting and filtering is not allowed on that field.

For example, suppose the ClaimContacts collection is query-backed and that lastName and primaryPhone are sortable and filterable. Also, the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file specifies the following:
name: restricted
   edit: []
   - id
   - firstName
   - lastName

lastName is available to all callers, even to callers with additional accessible field restrictions. Therefore, sorts and filters on lastName are allowed.

primaryPhone is not available to all callers. Those with additional accessible fields restrictions cannot see this field. Therefore, sorts and filters on primaryPhone are not allowed, even for callers with no additional accessible fields restrictions.

This behavior exists because a query-backed collection is not loaded into memory all at once. Rather, the collection is loaded one page at a time. Cloud API begins to build the response before it has loaded every page of the collection. Cloud API cannot know whether any member of the collection will be restricted by an additional accessible fields filter. Therefore, because there could be a member of the collection that requires restricted access, it cannot allow access to sorting and filtering on that field.

Stream-backed collections

When a collection is stream-backed, Cloud API lets you sort and filter on all sortable and filterable fields. However, if a field on a given resource is restricted to the caller, Cloud API treats the field's value as if it were null for the purpose of sorting and filtering.

For example, suppose the ClaimContacts collection is stream-backed and that lastName and primaryPhone are sortable and filterable. Also, the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file specifies the following:
name: restricted
   edit: []
   - id
   - firstName
   - lastName

Finally, suppose there are four ClaimContacts in a collection:

  • Ray Newton (the insured); primary phone: 111-1111

  • Karen Egerston (the producer); primary phone: 333-3333

  • Sue Thompson (driver of a third-party vehicle); primary phone: 222-2222

  • Virginia Green (passenger in the third-party vehicle); primary phone: 444-4444

Andy Applegate is a claims adjuster who is not bound by additional accessible fields filters. If he sorts the collection based on primaryPhone, he will see this:

  1. Ray Newton; primary phone: 111-1111

  2. Sue Thompson; primary phone: 222-2222

  3. Karen Egerston; primary phone: 333-3333

  4. Virginia Green; primary phone: 444-4444

Karen Egerston is a producer who is bound by additional accessible fields filters and cannot view primaryPhone on third-party contacts. If she sorts the collection based on primary phone, she will see this:

  1. Sue Thompson; primary phone: (null)

  2. Virginia Green; primary phone: (null)

  3. Ray Newton; primary phone: 111-1111

  4. Karen Egerston; primary phone: 333-3333

Note that the Sue Thompson and Virginia Green ClaimContacts have been sorted as if their primary phone values were null.

This behavior exists because the entire stream-backed collection is loaded into memory at one time. Thus, Cloud API knows which members of the collection are restricted by an additional accessible fields filter before it starts to build the response. It can permit sorting and filtering on the field, and it simply obfuscates the restricted information by treating it as null.

Filtering fields in a POST

It is possible to add an additional accessible fields filter that restricts which fields can be specified when POSTing a given type of resource. However, there are no instances of this in the base configuration.

The resource access extension file

The resource access extension file must specify the collection resource type. This is the resource name using a plural, such as Activities. The type must have an additionalAccessibleFieldsFilter property with a create sub-property. The syntax for this is:
    create: <expression>

The expression must return null or a string.

  • If the expression returns null, no additional restrictions are placed on the fields that can be specified when POSTing an instance of the given type.

  • If the expression returns a string, Cloud API looks in the integration > roles > additionalaccessiblefieldsfilters directory for a file that starts with the returned string and ends with accessiblefields.yaml. It then restricts the POST from specifying any fields not defined in that file.

The expression can make use of the following symbols:

  • user - The AuthorizedUser that Cloud API retrieved from the calling token

  • resource - The instance of the resource to be evaluated

  • data - The data envelope of the request payload.

The accessiblefields.yaml file

The accessiblefields.yaml file must specify the type. The type must have an edit property that defines the fields the caller cannot specify in the POST. If the caller cannot edit any fields on the resource, an empty list ([ ]) is specified. (Note that if the type must also have a view property if the resource access extension file specifies a viewAndEdit expression for that type.)

If the caller has an additional accessible fields filter restriction placed upon them and the caller specifies a restricted field in the POST, Cloud API throws an error.

Restricting access to service requests based on its services

Every service request has an array of one or more services. Contacts and producers can view a given service request only if every service in the services array has been allowlisted in the ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml file. If a service request has at least one service that is not listed in the ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml file, then no contact or producer can view that request.

For example, suppose the ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml file contained only the following rows:
- autoappraise
- autoinsprepair
- autoinsprepairbody
- autoinsprepairglass

Then suppose you have the following service requests.

  • Service request 1
    • Services: autoappraise, autoinsrepairglass
  • Service request 2
    • Services: autoappraise, autoinsrepairaudio

For the first service request, every service is listed in ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml. Therefore, this service request is accessible to contacts and producers (assuming they have the other permissions needed to access it).

For the second service request, the autoinsrepairaudio service is not listed in ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml. Therefore, this service request is not accessible to contacts and producers (regardless of any other permissions).

Configuring service request access by service

In the base configuration, every type of service is listed in ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml. Therefore, there are no service requests which a producer cannot access.

If you add a custom service to ClaimCenter and you want contacts and producers with the appropriate permission to be able to access service requests with this service, then you must add this service to ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml.

If there is a type of service that you never want to make accessible to contacts and producers, such as something related to fraud investigation, you can deny access by omitting that service type from ExternallyVisibleServices.yaml.