Incidents and risk units: Risk unit endpoints

After you have configured your incident and risk unit data model, you must generate endpoints for both the incident and the risk unit. The following section describes differences in the REST endpoint generator behavior when the target entity is a risk unit.

For an overview of the process of implementing custom incidents and risk units, see Incidents and risk units: Implementation overview.

For information on how to run the REST endpoint generator, see REST endpoint generator overview.

Differences in the generator prompts

The REST endpoint generator checks to see if the target entity is a subtype of RiskUnit. If it is, the REST endpoint generator considers the entity to be a risk unit entity.

For risk unit endpoints:

  • The endpoints are always added to the Claim API.
  • The endpoints are always child endpoints (with Policy as the direct or indirect parent).
  • The collection is always backed by a Gosu query.
  • The resource is always added to the claim integration graph.


  • There is no prompt asking which API to add the endpoints to.
  • There is no prompt asking if the endpoints are root resource endpoints.
  • There is no prompt asking whether you want the endpoint to be stream-back or query-backed.
  • There is no prompt asking if you want the entity to be added to an integration graph.

Also, when you specify the parent, the generator validates the parent is a descendant of Policy.

Differences in the generated files


Risk unit endpoints

Similar to the endpoints for base configuration risk units, the REST endpoint generator creates six endpoints for custom risk units:

  • For verified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
  • For unverified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
    • A POST
    • A PATCH

For example, suppose you generated endpoints for a custom policy descendant named CustomRiskUnit_Ext. The endpoints would be:

  • Verified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-risk-unit-ext
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}
  • Unverified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}
    • POST /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext
    • PATCH /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}

Coverage endpoints

The REST endpoint generator also creates six endpoints for coverages for the custom risk unit:

  • For verified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
  • For unverified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
    • A POST
    • A PATCH

For example, suppose you generated endpoints for a custom policy descendant named CustomRiskUnit_Ext. The coverage endpoints would be:

  • Verified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}/coverages
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}/coverages/{coverageId}
  • Unverified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/coverages
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}/coverages/{coverageId}
    • POST /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/coverages/
    • PATCH /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-risk-unit-ext/{customRiskUnitExtId}/coverages/{coverageId}


Risk unit resources

Cloud API creates two sets of resources for each custom risk unit:

  • One set is for verified policies. These resources are named as normal. For example:
    • CustomRiskUnitExt
    • CustomRiskUnitsExt
  • One set is for unverified policies. These resources are named with an "Unverified" prefix. For example:
    • UnverifiedCustomRiskUnitExt
    • UnverifiedCustomRiskUnitsExt

These resources share a single set of schema, mapping, and updater files.

The generator also creates four impl files:

  • Two of them are for the verified policy resources. For example:
    • (the verified element resource file)
    • (the verified collection resource file)
  • Two of them are for the unverified policy resources. For example:
    • (the unverified element resource file)
    • (the unverified collection resource file)

Coverage resources

The REST endpoint generator does not generate new resources for the coverage endpoints for custom risk units. All risk unit coverage endpoints use the same RiskUnitCoverage and UnverifiedRiskUnitCoverage resources and code, whether they are coverage endpoints for base configuration risk units or custom risk units.


The custom risk unit's schema

For standard entities, the REST endpoint generator makes only the following changes to the schema configuration files:

  • It adds an id property to the API's schema extension file
  • It adds a mapper for the id property to the API's mapping extension file.

For risk units, the generator makes the following additional changes.

  • In the schema extension file, it adds the following properties, as these are standard entity model properties found on the RiskUnit supertype:
    • RUNumber (sortable and filterable)
    • description
    • policySystemId (filterable)
  • In the mapper extension file, it adds mappers for the RUNumber, description, and policySystemId properties.
  • In the updater extension file, it adds updaters for the RUNumber and description properties. (policySystemId can only be set by the PAS integration code, and is therefore read-only from Cloud API.)

The Policy graph schema

The generator adds a <customRiskUnit> property and an associated coverages property to the Policy graph in the claim graph schema extension file. The coverages property is also added to the mapper and will order the coverages with RiskUnitRestV1.CoveragesSorted. You can optionally change the code to use a different sort order.