Architecture of third-party data access

Cloud API implements third-party data access logic as a simple if/then/else statement.
Basic if-then-else statement

The logic itself is declared in several different files.

The if/else statement: additional accessible fields filters

The "if/else" statement is declared in the resource access file. A resource access file is a file that defines a resource access strategy. Resource access files list resource types (such as Claim). For each type, it can specify permissions and filter logic that identifies which resources a caller can access. The logic in these sections is not field-specific. The logic either grants access to all fields on the resource or none of them.

Resource access files can also contain additional accessible fields filters. An additional accessible fields filter is the if/else statement. It is a Gosu expression that evaluates the business relationship the user has with a given resource. If the expression returns null, the user gets unfiltered access to the resource. If it returns a string, the user is restricted to a specific subset of fields as defined in a file whose name is that string.

The syntax for an additional accessible fields filter is as follows:
    <permission>: "<GosuExpression>"


  • <permission> is either viewAndEdit or create.
    • viewAndEdit affects GETs and PATCHes.
    • create affects POSTs.
  • <GosuExpression> is a Gosu expression that returns either null or a String that names a file with a list of fields to restrict the user too. In the base configuration, these expressions make calls to internal methods.

If the Gosu expression returns null, no additional restrictions are applied. (The caller has unfiltered access.)

If Gosu expression returns a String, Cloud API looks in the integration > roles > additionalaccessiblefieldsfilters directory for a file that starts with the returned String and ends with accessiblefields.yaml. It then restricts the user to the fields listed in the file.

For example, the following code shows the portion of the contactAuthorizationIds resource access file that defines access to Claim resource:
    viewAndEdit: "user.hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim(resource.Claim) ? null : \"restricted\""

Based on this example:

  • When a user has access to a Claim, Cloud API calls the internal user.hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim method.
  • If the method returns true, the expression returns null. The user is given unfiltered access to the Claim.
  • If the method returns false, the expression returns the String "restricted". The user is given filtered access to the Claim as defined in the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file.
The following diagram illustrates this portion of the logic.
Basic logic calling out to internal method

The "hasAccessOn<Resource>" methods and ClaimContact role yaml files

In the base configuration, the additional accessible fields filters use a set of internal methods to determine whether to grant unfiltered or filtered access. These methods all have names that follow this pattern: has...AccessOn<Resource>.

All of these methods determine whether the user has a given business relationship with a given resource. These business relationships are always defined by ClaimContact roles that are owned either by the user (when the user is a claimant) or by someone that the user represents (such as when the user is a producer).

For example, user.hasExternalUserPrivilegedAccessOnClaimContact is called when determining if a user can access a given ClaimContact. The method checks to see if the user is the ClaimContact. If they are, the filter gives them unfiltered access to the ClaimContact. Otherwise, the filter gives them filtered access to the ClaimContact.

Some "hasAccessOn<Resource>" methods reference a ClaimContact role yaml file. This is a yaml file that lists the ClaimContact roles the method checks for. You can configure the base configuration behavior by modifying which roles are listed in this file.

For example, user.hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim is called to determine if a user can access a given Claim. The method checks to see if the user is a ClaimContact that has one or more specific roles on the Claim's policy. The specific roles are listed in ClaimPrivilegedRoles.yaml. (In the base configuration, this file lists two roles: coveredparty and insured. Thus, a user has unfiltered access to a Claim if the user is a ClaimContact with the role of coveredparty on the policy or with the role of insured on the policy.

Some "hasAccessOn<Resource>" methods check for a non-configurable set of ClaimContact roles. For example, user.hasExternalUserPrivilegedAccessOnExposure checks to see if the user is the ClaimContact that has the role of claimant on the exposure. The reference to claimant does not come from a ClaimContact roles yaml file. It is in the method itself.

The logic for all of the "hasAccessOn<Resource>" methods is documented in How the contactAuthorizationIds strategy manages access and How the producerCodes strategy manages access.

The following diagram illustrates this portion of the logic.
Internal method calling to role file

The accessiblefields.yaml files

An accessiblefields.yaml file lists the fields a user can see when an additional accessible fields filter grants them filtered access to a resource. All accessiblefields.yaml files are stored in the integration > roles > additionalaccessiblefieldsfilters directory.

For example, the following code shows the portion of the contactAuthorizationIds resource access file that defines access to Claim resources:
    viewAndEdit: "user.hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim(resource.Claim) ? null : \"restricted\""
Also, the following code shows a portion of the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file.
  edit: []
  - claimNumber
  - id
  - jurisdiction
  - lobCode
  - lossCause
  - lossDate
  - lossLocation
  - lossType
  - reportedDate

For a given user and Claim, if the user.hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim method returns false, the additional accessible fields filter expression returns the String "restricted". This limits the user to the fields listed in the restricted.accessiblefields.yaml file. For Claims, this means:

  • The user cannot edit any fields.
  • The user can view only claimNumber, id, jurisdiction, lobCode, lossCause, lossDate, lossLocation, lossType, and reportedDate.

Summary of files that define third-party data access logic

The following diagram summarizes the files that define the logic for access to third-party data.
Summary of all files called by if-else logic

The resource access strategy file (such as contactAuthorizationIds.access) can contain additional accessible fields filters. Each filter specifies if/else logic. If the condition is true, the user has unfiltered access to the resource. If the condition is false, the user has filtered access to the resource.

The "hasAccessOn<Resource>" methods (such as hasPrivilegedRoleOnClaim) are internal methods used in the base configuration to determine the business relationship a user has with the resource. Many of these methods check to see if the user (or the insured the user is working for) has a role listed in a ClaimContact role yaml file (such as ClaimPrivilegedRoles.yaml)

If the "hasAccessOn<Resource>" method returns true, the user has unfiltered access. If it returns false, the additional accessible fields filter expression returns a string that names an accessiblefields.yaml file (such as restricted.accessiblefields.yaml). This file identifies the fields that the user is limited to.