Data model designs for risk units and incidents

Damageables are not relevant to every type of risk unit and incident. A damageable is needed only if the item that can be damaged could be listed on the policy, but also could not be listed on the policy. Consequently, risk units and incidents typically use one of two different data model designs.

Design 1: Risk units and incidents with no damageable

Damageable entities are typically not used when the damaged item must always be listed on the policy.

For example, a Travel policy only covers losses related to trips listed on the policy. A Travel claim typically has trip incidents. But a claim's trip must always be listed on the policy. Therefore, there is no separate "Trip" damageable. Every TripIncident is directly associated with the appropriate TripRU.

The following diagram shows the data model design for this case.

Risk units and incidents with no damageable

Note the following:

  • The incident has a foreign key to the risk unit.
  • The risk unit has a PolicySystemId field. This field can be used in Cloud API to identify a risk unit by its policySystemId.

Design 2: Risk units and incidents with damageables

Damageable entities are typically used when the damaged item could be listed on the policy, but also could not be listed on the policy.

For example, a Personal Auto claim has vehicle incidents and vehicle risk units. A vehicle could be owned by the insured and listed on the policy. In this case, it is referenced by the VehicleRU entity. (If the vehicle was involved in the claim, it is also referenced by the VehicleIncident entity.) However, a claim vehicle could also be owned by a third party and therefore not listed on the policy. In this case, it is referenced only by the VehicleIncident entity. Thus, there is a separate damageable entity for Vehicle.

The following diagram shows the data model design for this case.

Risk units and incidents with damageable

Note the following:

  • Both the incident and the risk unit have foreign keys to the damageable (Vehicle).
  • The risk unit has a PolicySystemId field. This field can be used in Cloud API to identify a risk unit by its policySystemId.
  • The damageable includes the following fields:
    • PolicyVehicle - This is a Boolean field that identifies whether the vehicle is listed on the policy (such as for an incident for the insured's vehicle) or not (such as for an incident for a third party's vehicle).
    • PolicySystemId - This can be used in Cloud API to identify a vehicle by its policySystemId.