Configuring the schema file for generated endpoints

Within the context of Cloud API, a schema file defines the structure of one or more resources. This information is used for GETs, POSTs, and PATCHes.

The schema file

The following sections provide an overview of configuring schema files for generated endpoints. For a complete description of how to configure schema files, see Endpoint architecture.

Overview of schema file syntax

A schema file contains a definitions section that lists one or more schemas. Each schema is used to structure an API resource. For each schema, the following attributes are specified:

  • A title and description, which is used for API definition documentation.
  • The resource type, which is typically set to object.
  • A list of properties. Each property includes:
    • A title and description, which is used for API definition documentation.
    • A type, which defines the JSON datatype of the property (for scalar values).
    • A ref, which defines the URI reference for the property (for compound values such as typekeys).
    • Optional attributes as needed for the business functionality of the property.

For example, the following is a portion of the schema for the base configuration Activity resource:

"Activity": {
  "title": "Activity",
  "description": "An `Activity` is an assignable item that represents a task to be done, a decision to be made, or information to be aware of",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "activityPattern": {
      "title": "Activity pattern",
      "description": "The code of the `ActivityPattern` used to create this activity and set its initial values",
      "type": "string"

Modifications made to the schema file

The base configuration includes a set of API-specific extension schema files. The purpose of these files is to define schema information for custom resources for a given API. These files are named using the pattern <API>_ext-1.0.schema.json, where <API> is the internal name of the API. For example, the common_ext-1.0.schema.json file is used to define schema information for custom resources in the Common API. You can access extension schema files in Studio through the integration -> schemas -> ext -> <API>.v1 node.

Resource-level information

The REST endpoint generator adds the following resource-level information to the schema:

    "<resourceName>": {
      "title": "<custom entity name>",
      "description": "<custom entity name>",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {

The id field

The REST endpoint generator adds an id field to the properties section of the schema.

      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "title": "ID",
          "description": "The unique identifier of this element",
          "type": "string",
          "readOnly": true

Data model fields added by the REST endpoint generator

The REST endpoint generator also adds the following types of fields to the properties section of the schema:

  • Scalar fields whose datatype resolves to a String, Boolean, Integer, BigDecimal, or DateTime
  • Compound data fields whose datatype resolves to a MonetaryAmount, CurrencyAmount or Typekey

For each field:

  • A title, description, and type property are added
    • If the data model entity has values for title and description, the REST endpoint generator uses those for the title and description properties. Otherwise, it generates a default value based on the entity's name.
  • If the data model field has nullok set to true, the REST endpoint generator also specifies
    for the schema field.

For example, suppose you generated endpoints for a CustomEntity_Ext entity with the following fields. None of the fields have title or description information. All of which have nullok set to true:

  • Description (a varchar field)
  • IsActive (a Boolean field)
  • ActiveDate (a datetime field)
  • ActiveCount (an integer field)

The REST endpoint generator adds the following to the schema:

      "properties": {
        "activeCount": {
          "title": "Active count",
          "description": "Active count",
          "type": "integer",
          "x-gw-nullable": true
        "activeDate": {
          "title": "Active date",
          "description": "Active date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "x-gw-nullable": true
        "description": {
          "title": "Description",
          "description": "Description",
          "type": "string",
          "x-gw-nullable": true
        "isActive": {
          "title": "Is active",
          "description": "Is active",
          "type": "boolean",
          "x-gw-nullable": true

How other data model settings affect schema field generation

For any given column in the data model:

  • If the getterScriptability field is set to anything other than all, the REST endpoint generator does not create a field in the schema for the column.
  • If the setterScriptability field setting is set to anything other than all, the REST endpoint generator adds "readOnly": true to the schema field.
  • If nullok is set to false, the REST endpoint generator adds "requiredForCreate": true to the schema field.

For example, suppose you generated endpoints for a CustomEntity_Ext entity with the following fields:

  • GetterHidden - A Boolean whose getterScriptability field is set to hidden
  • SetterHidden - A Boolean whose setterScriptability field is set to hidden
  • NullOkFalse - A Boolean whose nullOk field is set to false

The REST endpoint generator adds the following to the schema. Note that there is no schema field for the getterHidden field:

      "properties": {
        "nullOkFalse": {
          "title": "Null ok false",
          "description": "Null ok false",
          "type": "boolean",
          "x-gw-extensions": {
            "requiredForCreate": true
        "setterHidden": {
          "title": "Setter hidden",
          "description": "Setter hidden",
          "type": "boolean",
          "readOnly": true

Additional configuration work to do

You are responsible for the following configuration work:

  • Removing any schema fields that were created by the REST endpoint generator but which correspond to fields that are not to be exposed to Cloud API
  • Adding definitions for any fields that must be exposed to Cloud API but that were not created by the REST endpoint generator

For more information on how to configure scalar and compound datatype properties in a schema, see Adding scalars and Adding compound datatypes.