Differences in the generated files


Similar to the endpoints for base configuration policy descendants, the REST endpoint generator creates six endpoints for custom policy descendants:

  • For verified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
  • For unverified policies:
    • A collection GET and an element GET
    • A POST
    • A PATCH

For example, suppose you generated endpoints for a custom policy descendant named CustomEndorsement_Ext. The endpoints would be:

  • Verified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-endorsement-ext
    • GET /claim/v1/claims/{claimId}/policy/custom-endorsement-ext/{customEndorsementExtId}
  • Unverified policies
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-endorsement-ext
    • GET /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-endorsement-ext/{customEndorsementExtId}
    • POST /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-endorsement-ext
    • PATCH /claim/v1/unverified-policies/{policyId}/custom-endorsement-ext/{customEndorsementExtId}


Cloud API creates two sets of resources for each custom policy descendant:

  • One set is for verified policies. These resources are named as normal. For example:
    • CustomEndorsementExt
    • CustomEndorsementsExt
  • One set is for unverified policies. These resources are named with an "Unverified" prefix. For example:
    • UnverifiedCustomEndorsementExt
    • UnverifiedCustomEndorsementsExt

These resources share a single set of schema, mapping, and updater files.

The generator also creates four impl files:

  • Two of them are for the verified policy resources. For example:
    • CustomEndorsementExtResources.gs (the verified element resource file)
    • CustomEndorsementsExtResources.gs (the verified collection resource file)
  • Two of them are for the unverified policy resources. For example:
    • UnverifiedCustomEndorsementExtResources.gs (the unverified element resource file)
    • UnverifiedCustomEndorsementsExtResources.gs (the unverified collection resource file)