Configure the schema extension file

The REST endpoint generator automatically adds the following fields to claim_ext-1.0.schema.json file:

  • Incident
    • description
    • id
    • lossParty
    • severity
  • Risk unit
    • RUnumber
    • description
    • id
    • policySystemId

If the incident or risk unit have additional fields you wish to expose, you must add them to the file manually. For most fields, you can find information on how to add them to a schema in Endpoint architecture.

The one field that has unique configuration requirements is the foreign key from the incident to the risk unit. This is the syntax for a foreign key from a custom incident to a custom risk unit.
"<CustomIncident>": {
   "<customRiskUnit>": {
     "title": "...",
     "description": "...",
     "$ref": "#/definitions/UpdatablePolicyObjectReference",
     "x-gw-nullable": true,
     "x-gw-extensions": {
       "resourceType": "<CustomRiskUnit>"
For example, suppose you has a custom incident named MobilePhoneIncident_Ext, which has a foreign key field to MobilePhoneRU_Ext. The schema property for the foreign key in MobilePhoneIncident_Ext would be:
"MobilePhoneIncident_Ext": {
   "mobilePhoneRU_Ext": {
     "title": "Mobile phone risk unit",
     "description": "The associated mobile phone RU",
     "$ref": "#/definitions/UpdatablePolicyObjectReference",
     "x-gw-nullable": true,
     "x-gw-extensions": {
       "resourceType": "MobilePhoneRUExt"