Differences in the configuration work

For the most part, the configuration work required for general policy descendant endpoints is the same as for standard endpoints. However, there are minor differences in the required configuration work. They are detailed in the following sections.

Schema configuration

Cloud API uses a single set of schema, mapping, and updater files for both verified and unverified policies. The REST endpoint generator adds a minimal set of properties to these files. If there are additional fields on the policy descendant that need to be exposed to Cloud API, you must configure the schema, mapping, and updater files. For more information on how to do this, see Endpoint architecture.

Verified resource impl files

The verified element resource file

In this file, no delete method gets generated. This is because, for verified policies, you cannot delete policy descendants.

The verified collection resource file

In this file, no createMinimalChildElement method gets generated. This is because you cannot create descendants on a verified policy.

Unverified resource impl files

The unverified element resource file

In this file, no delete method gets generated. This is because, as of this release, Cloud API does not support deleting policy descendants for unverified policies.

The unverified collection resource file

In this file, there is an additional Policy getter. This method must be modified so that it contains the path from the resource to the Policy entity.

For example, suppose that you create a custom policy descendant named CustomEndorsement_Ext. This entity has a foreign key named Policy that points to the policy. When you generate endpoints for CustomEndorsement_Ext, the UnverifiedCustomEndorsementsExtResources.gs class has a Policy getter. It would need to be set to the following:

private property get Policy() : Policy {
  return (this.Parent.Element.Policy)

The apiconfig file

The generator adds two entries to the apiconfig file, one for the verified collection resource and one for the unverified collection resource. Guidewire recommends adding a default sort order to each resource. For more information, see Configuring the apiconfig file.

Authorization files

The REST endpoint generator adds entries to the relevant role.yaml files and the resource access files for both the verified and unverified resources. Each set must be configured as needed. For more information, see Configuring authorization for generated endpoints.