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A toast notification communicates system-generated information in response to user activity. This may include information about an update, confirmation, or a completed action. Toasts overlay content in the upper-right corner of the screen. They appear for a predefined time of 5 seconds and can be dismissed by the user.

When to use

  • To display process related information, such as confirmation that a message was sent or that an update was completed.
  • For brief, non-disruptive messages that don't require the immediate attention of users.

When not to use

  • When displaying field-specific information. In this case, consider using an inline notification, popover, or field-status message.
  • For critical information that requires the user's attention and resolution. In this case, consider using a popover, field-status message, or modal.
  • When you know that your message will exceed the character limit for toasts (approximately 75 characters). In this case, consider using a different message type that is appropriate to your use case, such as banner.


Image depicting four different types of toasts including info, success, warning, and error

Toast notifications are based on the severity of the message. They include the following types:

InfoProvides information regarding an operation
SuccessIndicates a successful operation
WarningIndicates potential issues with an operation
ErrorIndicates that an operation has encountered errors



Image depicting the anatomy of a toast notification component

Toast notifications consist of the following elements:

  1. Icon: Provides a visual indication of the message severity.
  2. Description: Briefly describes the action taken, the current status, or provides additional context. The toast description can contain up to 2 lines of wrapped text.
  3. Link (optional): Provides a means to view details or direct users to another object. The link can be part of the description text or a separate entity.
  4. Close button: Dismisses the notification. Toast notifications are always dismissible. If the user doesn't dismiss the toast, it automatically disappears after 5 seconds.

Sizing and placement

Toast notifications have a fixed width. The height of toasts grows with content up to 2 lines of wrapped text.

Toast notifications slide in and out from the upper-right corner of the screen.

Multiple toasts may be displayed at once. When this happens, the toasts appear stacked in the upper-right corner of the screen, with the most recent appearing at the top.


General writing guidelines

  • Use sentence case for all aspects of designing Guidewire product interfaces. Don't use title case.
  • Use present tense verbs and active voice in most situations.
  • Use common contractions to lend your copy a more natural and informal tone.
  • Use plain language. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex language.
  • Keep words and sentences short.

Toast notification description

The toast notification description summarizes the action taken, current status, or additional context, and may contain up to 2 lines of text.

If the toast's description is a single sentence fragment (for example, "Item archived"), don't add a period to the end.

Example of an error type toast notification with description

Writing for toast notifications

Use concise language

Toast notifications provide a limited amount of space for content. Use concise language so that users can quickly scan the text and understand the notification. The ideal length for toasts is two lines or less.

To create clear, concise, and useful toast notifications, ensure that the content:

  • Focuses on a single idea or subject
  • Remains minimal and direct
  • Provides sufficient context for clarity
  • Is limited to 2 lines of wrapped text (approximately 61 to 75 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Do keep the information concise and clear.
Don't exceed the limit of 2 lines of wrapped text. This results in truncation and breaks accessibility.

Use an instructive tone that is neutral and direct

Toasts are brief, temporary notifications. They're meant to provide quick reference or context without interrupting the user's experience. Use an instructive tone that presents the information in a neutral and direct way.

Do use an instructive tone that presents the message in a concise and neutral way.
Don't use language that is overly playful, encouraging, or celebratory.

Use sentence case

Like all in-product content at Guidewire, toasts are written in sentence case.

For more information on how to implement sentence case, see the section on Capitalization in the UI text style guide.



Toast notifications are always dismissible. If not manually closed, toasts automatically disappear after 5 seconds.

To make toast notifications persistent, set the autoClose prop to false. These toasts will remain visible until manually closed by the user.

Consider using persistent toasts when:

  • There's a link within the toast
  • The content requires more time to read or process

Image that illustrates a user dismissing a success toast by clicking on the close button



Toast notifications are system generated. By default, toasts automatically disappear after 5 seconds. A user can also dismiss a toast by clicking the close button.


For toasts with a link, the link gets focus first. A user can move between the link and the close button using Tab. To close the toast notification, a user can press Enter or Space while the close button has focus.


Screen readers must announce toast notifications as they appear on screen. To accomplish this, the toast should have an appropriate ARIA live region attribute, typically aria-live="polite". The "polite" attribute allows for users to finish what they are doing before announcing a live region change.


This component has been validated to meet the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines. However, changes made by the content author can affect accessibility conformance. Follow the guidance below when using this component in your applications:

  • Try not to exceed 75 characters, including spaces and punctuation. This limit helps maintain readability and prevents truncation.
  • Don't use toast notifications for critical alerts or long messages. By default, toasts are timed and will disappear automatically after 5 seconds. This makes it difficult for people to get the entire message.
Do try to adhere to the 2 line limit for toasts because longer messages result in truncation.
Don't truncate text within a toast. Truncation breaks accessibility.