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Icon component


Check out the Usage section for details about how to design an icon properly, and the different configuration options we provide.

Basic Example

You can use one of the pre-made icons. See the List of icons for the full range of options.

<Icon icon="<ICON-ID>" />

Custom Example

You can extend the component to render a custom icon. In order to use it, it must first be added as a custom icon option.

Steps to add a custom icon

  1. Create a folder to store your custom icons. We recommend using src/assets/icons.
  2. Add an SVG file to the folder, for example cust-helicopter.svg.
  • Use the cust- prefix for your custom icons.
  • The name of the file has to be the same as the id inside the SVG file.
  1. Add the path to the icons folder in your .env file:
Webpack 5
Webpack 4
  1. Use the icon you created in the component:
"id": "icon",
"type": "element",
"component": "Icon",
"componentProps": {
"size": "large",
"icon": "cust-helicopter"
<Icon icon="cust-helicopter" />