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Progress indicators


Progress indicators are visual displays that help users keep track of their progress during a specific task, process flow or steps in a phased base process. Progress indicators communicate how many steps are needed to complete a process. They are used in a variety of contexts including online sign up, a multi-step form, and onboarding. They manage expectations upfront and let users know how much time and effort a process will take.

In Jutro, progress indicators come in different layouts: steps, progress bar and phases.

The steps layout shows the number of steps in a process the user must go through to complete a task. For example, to complete a profile a user must provide information like qualifications, home details etc. These can be set as steps that are required before a task is complete.

The progress bar shows the current progress status of a system operation like loading, uploading, submitting etc. It also shows the progress of a particular task before completion.

The phases/steps layout shows the progress of users completing a task broken down into phases or steps.


progress indicators formatting

Steps layout

  1. Step number: Serves as a label for the current step in a task/process flow.
  2. Checkmark icon: lets the user know that a step is complete. The checkmark replaces the step number after completion.
  3. Tool tip: provides context of a step upon hover. It shows the full label of the hovered step.

Progress bar

  1. Fill: The fill moves as the user completes a task. When a task is complete the fill covers the entire bar.
  2. Bar: The bar is a visual representation of the entire task process.

Phases layout

  1. Icon: The icon is a visual representation of the label in a phase.
  2. Label: The label establishes context for a particular phase, e.g., "Payment."

Best practices

  • Ensure the steps layouts are displayed in a logical order, from start to end (left to right).
  • Users should be able to return to previous steps for review and to update details.
  • Use icons that relate to their labels.
  • Visually display the current step the user is on.
  • Provide visual indication that a previous step/phase is complete.
  • Ensure the steps are parsed into logical groupings, simple and clear to support understanding.
  • Make sure all steps are visible.
  • Keep the steps to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7.


Progress indicators have enabled, disabled, active and hover states.

  • Enabled: communicates to the user that the element is enabled for interaction. By default, the first step/current step in the step layout is enabled.
  • Disabled: communicates to the user that the element is not interactive. Next phases/steps are disabled until the previous step/phase is complete. The steps are grayed out.
  • Hover: indicates that the user has placed a cursor over the element (desktop only). When users hover over a step icon, a tooltip appears with the label, establishing context for a particular step. In this state the cursor changes to finger pointer.
  • Active: indicates that the user is clicking or tapping the element. An active step/phase is highlighted.

UX writing considerations

  • Keep labels short and clearly identify the step.
    • Labels use sentence case, i.e. capitalize the first word of a phrase and any proper nouns.
  • When using tooltips in conjunction with a step progress bar, tooltip content should only contain one or two words.


The Jutro Progress indicators provide information about the status of an ongoing process, such as submitting a form or setting up a quote. There are three types of Progress indicators and they each take the form of a horizontal bar.

  • Keyboard interaction: Each active step can be focused on via the keyboard.
  • Color: The contrast ratio of textual elements against their background is above 4.5:1 as per WCAG 2.0 AA requirements.
  • Zoom: All content is visible and functional up to & including 200% zoom.

In addition to the above accessibility concerns, the following aspects have been implemented with respect to screen reader interaction:

Phase progress bar

The Phrase progress bar represents an entire process. It contains a series of smaller independent progress bars that represent phases in that process. The component implements the HTML5 landmark <nav> tag and each individual phrase is identified by it's name (via an aria-label value) and the WAI-ARIA role='link'

Simple progress bar

The Simple progress bar includes the WAI-ARIA role of 'progressbar'. It also includes the WAI-ARIA attributes, aria-valuetext, aria-valuenow, aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax to assist in providing additional meaning to assistive technologies.

Step progress bar

The Step progress bar comprises a series of steps to communicate completion status. It utilizes the HTML5 landmark <nav> tag and each step in the process is assigned the WAI-ARIA role of 'link'. The visual textual value is also included within an aria-label attribute.

These components have been validated to meet the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines. However, changes made by the content author can affect accessibility conformance.

  • Ensure that if using links, each step directs the user to the correct destination.
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Published: March 18, 2025 at 2:36 PM

© 2025 Guidewire Software, Inc.