Codegen config files

Cloud API has endpoints that third-party applications can use to interact with policies. This includes retrieving information about policies, creating policies, and modifying policies.

The base configuration contains endpoints for LOB-generic policy contents, such as policy contacts and policy locations. But, it does not initially contain endpoints for LOB-specific policy contents, such as coverables and coverages. In order to work with LOB-specific contents through Cloud API, you must first generate LOB-specific endpoints for each line.

A codegen config file is a file that provides PolicyCenter with information about how to generate LOB-specific endpoints. Codegen config files can provide the following types of information:

  • Mapping for fields whose names in the visualized product are different than the names in the installed product
  • Overrides for certain behaviors that exist in the product but are not reflected in the template or the visualized product

This topic describes how to use a codegen config file to influence LOB-specific endpoint generation.