Generating LOB-specific endpoints for non-APD-native products

For all installed products that are not APD-native, PolicyCenter supports bootstrapped generation of LOB-specific endpoints through a process known as Cloud Retrofit. With Cloud Retrofit, the majority of the endpoint generation is automatic. However, a small amount of manual intervention is required.

For a given product, the generation process both requires and creates several files.

Cloud Retrofit with the APD App

If you have the APD App and you have products that were not created in the APD App, the process of generating LOB-specific endpoints is performed with Guidewire Studio, PolicyCenter Product Management screen, and the APD App.

The process involves the following steps:
  1. In Guidewire Studio, define the template_gen_config.​<lob_prefix>.​yaml file for the line of business.
  2. In PolicyCenter, export the product and resolve any errors.
  3. In APD App, create a new product.
  4. In Guidewire Studio, create or modify the codegen file as needed.
  5. In PolicyCenter, synchronize PolicyCenter with APD and then generate the code for the product.
  6. In the APD App, delete the product.
For a more detailed description of the process, see Cloud Retrofit with APD App

Cloud Retrofit without the APD App

When you do not use the APD App, the process of generating LOB-specific endpoints is performed with the PolicyCenter Product Management screen and with Guidewire Studio.
Note: This is not the recommended Cloud Retrofit process. Consider provisioning the APD App and then following the process for Cloud Retrofit with APD App.

The process involves the following steps:

Process for generating LOB-specific endpoints
  1. From the Externally Managed tab, extract a product template from the installed product.
  2. From the APD Managed tab, import the product template. This creates a visualized version of the product. It also creates a set of LOB endpoints you can use to interact with the visualized product.
  3. From the APD Managed tab, validate the visualized product. This potentially generates a list of errors.
  4. If there are any validation errors, you must fix them before you can generate endpoints.
    • When fixing errors, Guidewire recommends that you modify the visualized product directly and then export a new version of the product template from the visualized product. This ensures your product template file matches the visualized product.
  5. From Studio, create or modify the codegen config file, if necessary.
    1. Identify mismatches between type and field names in the APD representation and the corresponding names in the installed product.
    2. Identify other constraints that you want to declare or override.
  6. From the APD Managed tab, generate endpoints for the installed product.
    1. This creates the product access file.
    2. This also creates a set of LOB-specific endpoint files for the installed product. These files reflect any overrides specified in the codegen config file.
  7. Check the generated endpoint files for compile errors and correct them.
    • This typically involves updating the product template and/or the codegen config file and then regenerating the endpoints.
  8. From the APD Managed tab, toggle the endpoints so that the installed product's endpoints are active.
  9. Restart the server.
For a more detailed description of the process, see Cloud Retrofit without APD App.