Cloud Retrofit without APD App

Users that do not have the APD App can use the following steps to generate LOB-specific endpoints for products that were not created in APD.

Before you begin

  • In PolicyCenter Preferences, set the Product Design Mode to Developer.
Note: This is not the recommended Cloud Retrofit process. Consider provisioning the APD App and then following the process for Cloud Retrofit with APD App. For more information, see Cloud Retrofit with APD App.
Warning: You can extract a product template from one instance of PolicyCenter and then use that template to generate endpoints on a different instance of PolicyCenter. However, do not generate LOB-specific endpoints for a product that is not installed on that instance of PolicyCenter. PolicyCenter will generate the endpoints. But, because the product itself is not installed, the endpoints will reference other LOB artifacts that do not exist on that instance of PolicyCenter. This will cause compile errors that prevent PolicyCenter from starting. (For information on how to remove the installed product endpoints, see Removing an installed product's endpoints.)


  1. Generate a product template for the existing installed product.
    1. Navigate to the Product Management screen.
    2. Click the Externally Managed tab.
    3. In the list of Installed Products, click the desired product.
    4. Click Extract APD Representation. This generates the XML template and stores it in your Downloads directory.
  2. Import the product template.
    1. On the Product Management screen, click the APD Managed tab.
    2. Click Import From Template.
    3. Click Browse, then navigate to the template's location and select the template.
    4. Click Update. It may take a few seconds for the template to load. Once it has been loaded, the product is listed on the APD Managed tab.
  3. Validate the installed product.
    1. On the APD Managed tab, select the product.
    2. On the Details tab below the list, select Validation Status. The <ProductName> screen appears.
    3. If the product has any errors, the screen title also says "See Errors Highlighted".
  4. Fix all validation errors on the <Product Name> screen, and optionally fix any warnings.
    1. Errors appear with an "!" in a red triangle. Warnings appear with an "!" in a yellow triangle.
    2. For more information on the most common types of errors and how to fix them, see Fixing product validation errors.
    3. Guidewire recommends making any required changes to the visualized product through the Product Management screen and then extracting an updated version of the product template from the Product Management screen. To do this, on the APD Managed tab, select the product from the product list and then click Extract Template.
  5. Modify the codegen config file, if necessary.
    1. In Studio, navigate to modules > configuration > config > integration > apis > installedlobs.
    2. Open the file whose name starts with <productCode>_codegen. If there is no codegen config file for your LOB and you need one, you must create one. Then, edit the codegen config file as needed.
    3. For more information on working with codegen config files, see Codegen config files.
  6. Generate endpoints for the installed product.
    • On the APD Managed tab, select the product.
      1. On the Details tab below the list, select Generate Product Code -> System APIs -> System APIs - Code. The Review Product Elements screen appears.
      2. Click Complete Generation. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  7. Identify and correct all compile errors in the generated endpoint files.
  8. Toggle the installed product endpoints to make them active.
    1. By default, the visualized product endpoints are active. If you wish to continue working with the installed product, no additional action is needed.
    2. To make the installed product endpoints active, go to the APD Managed tab and select the product. In the Enabled for REST API field, select Disabled.
  9. Restart PolicyCenter.