Fixing product validation errors

Before you can generate endpoints from a visualized product, you must validate the product. This is done using the Product Definition screen's Validation Status button. When you click this button, PolicyCenter validates the visualized product and shows the results on the <ProductName> screen.

If you attempt to generate endpoints for a product that has validation errors, PolicyCenter will not generate the endpoints. It also displays a screen named the Review Product Elements screen. This is identical to the <ProductName> screen.

Error information in the <ProductName> screen

The <ProductName> screen lists the contents of the product as a hierarchical tree. Each warnings and error is noted with a triangle icon with a "!".

  • Validation warnings appear after a yellow triangle with a "!". You are not required to fix warnings in order to generate endpoints.
  • Validation errors appear after a red triangle with a "!". You must fix errors in order to generate endpoints.

When a given node in the tree has an error, the red triangle appears at that node and at every parent of that node, all the way to the top-level Product node.

For example, suppose you have a Workers' Compensation product which includes the following structure:

  • Product: Workers' Compensation
    • Product Line: Workers' Compensation Line
      • Exposure: InclusionPerson
      • Exposure: WCWaiverOfSubro
        • Field: Type

Also, suppose there is a warning for the "Field: Type" node. The red triangle appears at this node, as well as the three parent nodes ("Exposure: WCWaiverOfSubro", "Product Line: Worker's Compensation Line", and "Product: Workers' Compensation") This is depicted in the following list, with "(!)" representing the red triangle.

  • (!) Product: Workers' Compensation
    • (!) Product Line: Workers' Compensation Line
      • Exposure: InclusionPerson
      • (!) Exposure: WCWaiverOfSubro
        • (!) Field: Type

If there are no errors for the "Exposure: InclusionPerson" node, then that node will have no triangle.

Unlike errors, warnings do not cascade up the tree. They appear only at the node that the warning pertains to.

Correcting "Short Name must be a valid name" errors

Every field in a visualized product has a Short Name. This value acts as a code for the field and it gets used for code identifiers in PolicyCenter. Guidewire has a list of reserved words that cannot be used for a Short Name field. This includes Java keywords, Gosu keywords, and the SQL keywords use and type. For more information on Short Name reserved words, see Creating Products with APD App.

The product validation results may include a "Short Name must be a valid name" error. This occurs when a field name was valid in the tool used to create the installed product, such as Product Designer, but it is one of the previously referenced reserved word. For example, a field named "Type" is valid in Product Designer but not as a Short Name.

Identifying the mismatch

When this type of error occurs, the <ProductName> screen shows the following next to the field's node:

Short Name must be a valid name.

Resolving the mismatch ( for Cloud Retrofit without APD App)

  1. In the APD representation, modify the Short Name field to a non-reserved name.
  2. In the codegen config file, add a nameOverride to map the new, non-reserved name in the APD representation to the original name in the installed product. For more information on working with codegen config files, see Codegen config files.

Guidewire recommends that you re-extract the product template whenever you modify the visualized version of the product. To do this, on the APD Managed tab, select the product from the product list and then click Extract Template.

Resolving the mismatch ( for Cloud Retrofit with APD App)

  1. Update the field name with the fieldName property in the template_gen_config.lob_prefix.yaml file.
  2. Delete the product from the APD App and then repeat the steps to generate the LOB-specific endpoints. For more information, see Cloud Retrofit with APD App.

Correcting "naming conflict with an existing field" warnings

In some situations, the Short Name assigned to a field is identical to some other existing field name. This triggers a "naming conflict with an existing field" warning. To generate LOB-specific endpoints, you are not required to fix warnings. Fixing warnings is options.

The product validation results may include a

The short name "Pattern Code" has a naming conflict with an existing field in PolicyCenter. Choose an alternative short name.

Identifying the mismatch

When this type of warning occurs, the <ProductName> screen shows the following next to the field's node:

SThe short name "<value>" has a naming conflict with an existing field in PolicyCenter. 
Choose an alternative short name.

Resolving the mismatch ( for Cloud Retrofit without APD App)

  1. In the APD representation, modify the Short Name field to an alternate name.
  2. In the codegen config file, add a nameOverride to map the new, non-conflicting name in the APD representation to the original name in the installed product. For more information on working with codegen config files, see Codegen config files.

Guidewire recommends that you re-extract the product template whenever you modify the visualized version of the product. To do this, on the APD Managed tab, select the product from the product list and then click Extract Template.

Resolving the mismatch ( for Cloud Retrofit with APD App)

  1. Update the field name with the schemaPropertyName field in the codegen config file. For more information on working with codegen config files, see Codegen config files
  2. Complete the steps to generate the endpoints for the first time or update the endpoints. For more information, see Cloud Retrofit with APD App.