Codegen config file location and names
File location
Codegen config files are stored in the
File names
Codegen config files are named using the following convention:
The lob-prefix is the code for the line that is found in the
typelist, lowercased. For example, suppose
you have a Personal Auto product whose lob prefix is "pa". The codegen config file
for this product is pa_codegen_config_ext-1.0.yaml
Base configuration files
The base configuration contains a set of predefined codegen configure files. Some of the files are for products that were a part of the base configuration in a previous release. Other files are for products installed through Standards Based Templates (SBTs). You can use these files to modify how the endpoints are generated. They can also be used as examples for when you need to create your own files.
Files for custom products
If there is no codegen config file for a given product, and you need to specify information in a codegen config file, then you must create the file manually. The file name must match the following pattern:
For example, suppose you created a Crime product using Product Designer. The LOBs
prefix is "cr". You want to generate endpoints for this product and you need to
specify codegen config information. The file for this product would be: