Files that define LOB-specific endpoints

When you generate LOB-specific endpoints for an installed product, PolicyCenter creates a series of files to define the endpoints and their behavior. There are two types of files: codegen output files and LOB extension files.

Codegen output files

Codegen output files define the LOB-specific endpoints. They include schema files, mapping files, updater files, swagger files, and Gosu resource files.

  • These files have <productCode>_gen in their name
  • These files are overwritten any time you regenerate the endpoints.

For example, if you generate endpoints for a Workers' Compensation product whose product code is "wc", then the codegen output files would include:

  • policyperiod_wc_gen-1.0.schema.json
  • policyperiod_wc_gen-1.0.mapping.json
  • policyperiod_wc_gen-1.0.updater.json

Do not modify codegen output files directly. Any changes you make to these files will be overwritten the next time you generate endpoints for the product.

LOB extension files

LOB extension files define extensions to the endpoints. They include schema files, mapping files, updater files, swagger files, and Gosu resource files. These files have <productCode>_ext in their name.

If these files do not exist (such as when you have never generated installed endpoints for the given product), then these files are created when you generate the endpoints. But, if these files already exist, the codegen process does not modify them.

For example, if you generate endpoints for a Workers' Compensation product whose product code is "wc", then the LOB extension files would include:

  • policyperiod_wc_ext-1.0.schema.json
  • policyperiod_wc_ext-1.0.mapping.json
  • policyperiod_wc_ext-1.0.updater.json

File locations

The codegen output files and LOB extension files are placed in the following directories in the modules\configuration directory:

  • config\integration\apis\ext\job\v1
  • config\integration\apis\ext\policy\v1
  • config\integration\apis\ext\policyperiod\v1
  • config\integration\mappings\ext\policyperiod\v1
  • config\integration\schemas\ext\policyperiod\v1
  • config\integration\updaters\ext\policyperiod\v1
  • gsrc\gw\rest\ext\pc\policyperiod\<productCode>\v1
PolicyCenter also creates a product access file that exposes the installed product to Cloud API. This file is named <productCode>_ext-1.0.yaml. It is placed in the modules\configuration\config\integration\apis\installedlobs directory along with the codegen config files.