Foreign exchange rates

PolicyCenter supports the ability to store and manage foreign exchange rates. You create and manage foreign exchange rates as part of an exchange rate set. Foreign exchange rate sets include one or more foreign exchange rates.

For more information on the business functionality of foreign exchange rates, see the Application Guide.

Foreign exchange rate sets

Each exchange rate set can include the following values:
Field Description
baseCurrency The ISO 4217 currency code of the "from currency."
displayName The system-generated name of the foreign exchange rate set.
effectiveDate The effective date of the exchange rate set. This date cannot overlap with the effective date of another exchange rate set.
expirationDate The expiration date of the exchange rate set. This date can be excluded, set to null, or set to a specific date. If there is no expiration date for the exchange rate set, the system adds an expiration date whenever it needs to prevent overlaps with the effective date of another exchange rate set.
foreignExchangeRates An array that includes one or more foreign exchange rates.
id The system-generated id of the foreign exchange rate set.
rateType The rate type, either market or corporate. A market rate is used for policy pricing and invoicing A corporate rate is used for reporting.

Exchange rates

Each foreign exchange rate can include the following values:
Field Description
marketDateTime The market date and time. Date or DateTime formats are valid.
displayName The system-generated name of the foreign exchange rates.
id The system-generated id of the foreign exchange rate.
priceCurrency The ISO 4217 currency code and name of the "to currency."
rate The exchange rate of the currency expressed as a BigDecimal value.