Blanket coverables

Although blankets wrap multiple coverables within a single blanket coverable, blankets themselves are coverables. To retrieve a list of all coverables from the product definition, use the following endpoints:

  • GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/{lineId}/coverables
  • GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/{lineId}/coverables/{coverableId}

If a coverable contains the property isBlanket set to true, the coverable is a blanket. If the coverable is not a blanket, the isBlanket property won’t be present. For example, the following command retrieves coverables for the TSTLine LOB. The response shows that the TSTHighRiskBlanket coverable has isBlanket set to true, whereas the TSTLeakyGasolineTruck coverable does not have that property. Therefore, TSTHighRiskBlanket is a blanket coverable, and TSTLeakyGasolineTruck is not.


GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/TSTLine/coverables


"id": "TSTHighRiskBlanket",
  "isBlanket": true,
  "parent": "TSTLine"
},"id": "TSTLeakyGasolineTruck",
  "parent": "TSTLine"

Another thing you can determine from the productdefinition API are the clauses (coverages, conditions, and exclusions) and coverables associated with a specific type of blanket. The following example shows a partial list of clauses and coverables associated with the TSTHighRiskBlanket on the TSTLine LOB:


GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/TSTLine/coverables/TSTHighRiskBlanket


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "blanketedClauses": [
          "displayName": "KeroseneCond",
          "id": "TSTKeroseneCond",
          "type": "CoveragePattern",
          "uri": "/productdefinition/v1/lines/Line/coverables/TSTKeroseneCan/coverages/TSTKeroseneCond"
          "displayName": "KeroseneExcl",
          "id": "TSTKeroseneExcl",
          "type": "CoveragePattern",
          "uri": "/productdefinition/v1/lines/Line/coverables/TSTKeroseneCan/coverages/TSTKeroseneExcl"
      "blanketedCoverables": [
          "displayName": "Kerosene Can",
          "id": "TSTKeroseneCan",
          "type": "CoverablePattern",
          "uri": "/productdefinition/v1/lines/Line/coverables/TSTKeroseneCan"
          "displayName": "Leaky Gasoline Truck",
          "id": "TSTLeakyGasolineTruck",
          "type": "CoverablePattern",
          "uri": "/productdefinition/v1/lines/Line/coverables/TSTLeakyGasolineTruck"