Querying for scheduled items

The exact structure of each GET /scheduled-items endpoint varies based on the LOB.

For example, the following request retrieves the HOPScheduledPersonalProperty scheduled items for policy c:505. There is one result: a painting of a Dutch sailboat valued at $40,000.


GET /job/v1/jobs/pc:505/lines/HOPLine/coverages/HOPScheduledPersonalProperty/scheduled-items

Response body

    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "id": "101",
                "properties": {
                    "Appraiser": {
                        "displayValue": "Cranleigh's Fine Arts",
                        "stringValue": "Cranleigh's Fine Arts",
                        "valueType": "string"
                    "DateOfAppraisal": {
                        "dateOnlyValue": "2020-02-02",
                        "displayValue": "Feb 2, 2020",
                        "valueType": "date"
                    "Description": {
                        "displayValue": "Painting: Dutch sailboat",
                        "stringValue": "Painting: Dutch sailboat",
                        "valueType": "string"
                    "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemAppraisedValue": {
                        "decimalValue": "40000.0000",
                        "displayValue": "$40,000.00",
                        "valueType": "decimal"
                    "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemLimit": {
                        "decimalValue": "40000.0000",
                        "displayValue": "$40,000.00",
                        "valueType": "decimal"
                    "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemType": {
                        "choiceValue": {
                            "code": "fine_arts",
                            "name": "Fine Arts"
                        "displayValue": "Fine Arts",
                        "valueType": "choice"
                    "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemValuation": {
                        "choiceValue": {
                            "code": "ACV",
                            "name": "Actual cash value"
                        "displayValue": "Actual cash value",
                        "valueType": "choice"
                    "SerialNo": {
                        "displayValue": "1",
                        "stringValue": "1",
                        "valueType": "string"