Understanding the Graph API
The Graph API has endpoints that let you POST the entire hierarchy of an account or submission in a single request, and then return the hierarchy in a single response.
The Graph API
The Graph API includes the following endpoints:
The POST /graph/v1/accounts
endpoint lets you create an account by
specifying the entire hierarchy for the account in a single request. This endpoint uses
the same schemas as those used by the /account/v1/accounts
endpoint and
its related endpoints. So, any field available to those schemas is available to the
POST /graph/v1/accounts
POST /graph/v1/submissions
endpoint lets you create a complete job
submission. You specify the entire hierarchy for the submission in a single request.
This endpoint uses the same schemas as those used by the Job API endpoints, including
any LOB-specific endpoints. So, most fields available to those schemas is available to
the POST /graph/v1/submissions
. To add a policy section to a tower, call the
POST job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/towers/{towerId}/policy-sections
endpoint after you POST the graph submission. The responses from these endpoints include the entire hierarchy of the account and submission resources. This complete response provides a consistent and ordered set of information so caller applications know what to expect. It also allows caller applications to more easily pass data back to PolicyCenter if necessary without having to first determine the ordering.
These endpoints are similar to the POST /account/v1/accounts
and POST /job/v1/submissions
endpoints, but there are some key
differences, discussed in the next section.
For more on the /account/v1/accounts
endpoint see Creating an account
For more on the /job/v1/submissions
endpoint see Submissions
Graph vs Account and Job APIs
The Graph API endpoints are built from the same code as the Account and Job API endpoints. This means that the Graph API endpoints return the same information and the same properties as the Account and Job API endpoints, including any custom extensions that have been added. But there are several differences.
Streamlined process
The Account and Job APIs have separate endpoints to access the child elements of
and job
. The Graph API endpoints do
not have separate endpoints for child elements because they're not needed. All
account and job information, including all child resources, are included within the
requests and responses for the Graph API endpoints. For example, a request to
POST /graph/v1/accounts
can contain all account information,
including child information such as contacts and locations.
Keep in mind that while POST /graph/v1/submissions
creates an
entire job and submission, it does not quote or bind the submission.
No pagination
When you run an Account or Job API endpoint, pagination is in place that by default restricts the number of elements returned at once. With the Graph API endpoints, all the account and submission information is included in the POST command response. The Graph API overrides any specified pagination values and returns all elements of each collection.
See The pagination query parameters for more information on pagination.
POST only
The purpose of the Graph API endpoints is to produce an entire account and submission that can be
passed along for processing by the caller application. So unlike the Account and Job
API endpoints, the Graph API /accounts
endpoints provide only POST commands. Updates
cannot be made that will produce a modified version of the entire account or
submission graph response. However, you can use the the Account and Job API
endpoints to modify the data that was created with the Graph API endpoints.
Using Graph API endpoints in a composite request
The Composite API (Composite requests) provides an endpoint that allows you to string together a series of API requests, passing variables - such as an account ID - returned from one sub-request to another. The sub-requests run in the order specified in the composite request, each sub-request completing before the next begins.
You can use Graph API requests within a Composite API request to create a
complete submission. For example, you can call POST /graph/v1/accounts
then POST /graph/v1/submissions
as part of a single composite request.
If you also want to quote the submission, you can include a call to POST
, passing in the jobId returned from the call to the
graph /submissions
endpoint. See Example: Creating a policy using the graph endpoints for an
You can produce the same results by using composite requests with the Account and Job APIs to manually build out the entire string of commands required to create a submission. However, you typically need to do this only if you require an especially fine-tuned order of operations.
Order of operations
If you use the Account and Job API endpoints to create a submission, you need to carefully keep track of the order in which to make the requests, being sure to pass the appropriate IDs from one request to another. One of the biggest advantages to using the Graph API is that the endpoints know how to carry out operations in an order that makes sense.
By default, the Graph API will process the list of children for a given
resource based on the alphabetical ordering of the properties defined in the graph
schema. For example, if a policy line has children named coverages
in the graph schema, the coverages
children will be processed first.
In some cases, you may want to change this order, generally to ensure that
resources are created before other resources attempt to reference them. For example, the
base configuration overrides the ordering so that contacts
are both processed before any other entities on the Job
schema, so that PolicyContacts and PolicyLocations are created before any LOB resources
that may need to refer to them are processed.
You might have a case, such as a custom extension with top-level children that
are referenced elsewhere in the graph, where you need to control the processing order.
You can do this by adding the graphUpdateOrder
extension to the
appropriate property in the graph schema file. For example:
See Cloud API Developer Guide for information on the graph schema file.
Adding Ref IDs
As mentioned earlier, the Graph API POST operations create complete accounts
and submissions by carrying out the creation of resources and their children in a
logical order. In some cases, you might want to reference one of those resources for use
in creating another. Graph API uses the refid
property to accomplish
In Cloud API, refid
is typically used for request
inclusion (Cloud API Business Flows and Configuration
Guide). When used for
request inclusion, separate data and inclusion sections are required. For use in
Graph API, the refid
is used inline with the element’s other
For example, you might create a contact that you want to designate as the
account holder. You can include a refid
on the contact. Then add that
same refid
to the accountHolder
. Graph API will first
create the contact, then, using the refid
, will add that contact as the
account holder when it creates the account. Here’s an example:
In the response, the accountHolder
is the contact that was created with
that refid
For select fields, the refid is included in the response to the Graph POST request.
This is useful when using the Graph API in a composite request. For example, if a Graph API POST request includes the creation of multiple contacts, you can include a separate refid for each contact. The refid for each contact is returned in the response. You can then use the refid to identify the correct contact and and use its id in a composite subrequest.
See Cloud API Business Flows and Configuration Guide for more information on request inclusions.
Additonal Graph API functionality
The Graph API endpoints share certain functionality with other API endpoints in PolicyCenter to take note of.
Sort order
Most of the resources in the graph for accounts and submissions are
returned as collections. As with other API endpoints, the response from each Graph
API endpoint returns data in the default sort order for each resource. This means
that, for example, the /accounts
endpoint might return a list of
contacts in the response in a different order than they were listed in the
Response output
If you call GET /job/v1/jobs
, the response by default will include a
summary list of each job that is returned. However, if you call GET
to retrieve a single job, the response will by
default include more details about the specified job than the collection-level
command response. The response for all POST operations in the Graph API will by
default return the detailed list for all collection items.
Request query parameters
The Graph API endpoints accept the following query parameters.
POST /graph/v1/accounts
query parameters
Parameter | Description | More information |
fields |
As with other endpoints, you can override the default set of returned
values by using the |
See The fields query parameter for more information. |
POST /graph/v1/submissions
query parameters
Parameter | Description | More information |
createCoveredLocationForPrimaryLocation |
This parameter enables or disables the creation of the default covered
location for primary location. Default is |
See Default value creation for more on creating default coverages. |
createDefaultCoverages |
This parameter enables or disables the creation of default coverages.
Defaults is |
See Default value creation for more on creating default coverages. |
deferValidation |
In some cases you might want to defer validations, such as availability
checks. To defer validations on a submission, set this parameter to
See Deferring validation for more on deferring validation. |
fields |
As with other endpoints, you can override the default set of returned
values by using the |
See The fields query parameter for more information. |
As with other Cloud API endpoints, in order to call endpoints in the Graph API the caller must have permission to those endpoints in their role.yaml file and the appropriate access.yaml file.That includes endpoint-level permission (via role.yaml files), resource-level permissions (via the access.yaml files), and field-level permissions (via the role.yaml files).
In addition to the standard endpoint permissions, Graph API permissions also depend on the endpoint-level, resource-level, and field-level permissions for the corresponding endpoints within the Account and Job APIs. These permissions are applied to the creation during the POST, and are also used to filter what is returned on the response. Here are some examples.
Creation Authorization
Every graph schema property maps to an Account or Job API endpoint. For
example, contacts
on the Account maps to
. Adding an element to
the contacts
array in the request requires exactly the same
permissions as a POST to that Account API endpoint would require: if the POST to the
Account API would fail, the POST to the Graph API will fail the same way. This
applies to field-level edits as well: if you can't edit a field in the Account API,
you can't include that field in a Graph API request.
Response rules are similar to the creation rules. If you can't view the
response from the /account/v1/accounts/{accountId}/contacts
endpoint in the Account API, the contacts
property won't appear on
the /graph/v1/accounts
response. Similarly, if you can't view a
particular set of contact fields in the Account API, those fields won't appear in
the Graph API response either. The Graph API is designed to give callers the same
permissions as to the Account and Job APIs.
Example account and submission creation
See Example: Creating a policy using the graph endpoints for complete examples of using the Graph API endpoints.