Job locks

A job can be locked to indicate that there are associated underwriting issues to review and the job ought to remain unchanged while the issues are resolved. By default:

  • A job in a draft state is unlocked.
  • A job in a quoted state is locked.

Permissions related to job locks

  • To edit an unlocked job, you need to have only the corresponding "edit jobType" permission. (For example, to edit a submission, you must have the editsubmission permission.)
  • To edit a locked job, you need to have both the corresponding "edit jobType" permission and the editlockoveride permission.

Locking jobs

You can lock only jobs that are unlocked. To lock a job, use the following endpoint:

  • /job/v1/jobs/{job-id}/edit-lock

The request object does not require a payload.

The /edit-lock endpoint sets the job's editLocked property to true.

Releasing locks

You can release the lock only for jobs that are locked. Note that if a quoted job is returned to a draft state (such as by executing the POST /make-draft endpoint), it is still locked. You must use the POST /release-edit-lock endpoint to unlock it.

To release a lock, use the following endpoint:

  • /job/v1/jobs/{job-id}/release-edit-lock

The request object does not require a payload.

The /release-edit-lock endpoint sets the job's editLocked property to false.

When you release a lock, PolicyCenter automatically creates an activity using the uw_review_approved activity pattern ("Underwriter has reviewed this job"). You can also optionally add a note.

When releasing a lock through Cloud API, you can optionally provide a request body with any of the following:

  • Overrides of the activity values from the uw_review_approved activity pattern
  • Activity assignment information
  • A note

The following is an example of releasing a lock with this optional information:

  • The priority of the activity is set to low (which overrides any priority value coming from the activity pattern).
  • The activity is assigned to the group with id demo_sample:31 and the user with id demo_sample:1.
  • There is an attached note.
POST /job/v1/jobs/pc:2277/release-edit-lock

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "activity": {
            "priority": {
                "code": "low"
            "initialAssignment": {
                "groupId" : "demo_sample:31",
                "userId" : "demo_sample:1"
        "note": {
            "body": "Lock release submitted through Cloud API",
            "subject": "Lock release submitted through Cloud API"

For more information on specifying activity attributes, including activity assignment, see Activities.

For more information on specifying note attributes, see Notes.