Policy foreign exchange rates

When multicurrency is enabled and you create a policy transaction, PolicyCenter performs currency conversions based on the settlement currency and coverage currency defined for each policy. You can use the Cloud API to view the exchange rates associated with a given policy job.

For information on configuring preferred currencies, see Application Guide. For the steps to configure multicurrency, see Configuration Guide

Querying the foreign exchange rate set for a policy

Use the following endpoint to view the foreign exchange rate set for a given job:
  • GET job/v1/jobs/{job id}/foreign-exchange-rates

For example, the following request returns the foreign exchange rates available for job pc:S3bK17:

GET job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates
Response payload
    "count": 1,
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "displayName": "PolicyFXRate pc:S1W-nP4irWwBvEvUAL_rY",
                "fromCurrency": {
                    "code": "usd",
                    "name": "USD"
                "id": "pc:S1W-nP4irWwBvEvUAL_rY",
                "market": {
                    "code": "market",
                    "name": "Market"
                "rate": "0.9382000000",
                "retrievedAt": "2024-10-18T17:33:11.227Z",
                "toCurrency": {
                    "code": "eur",
                    "name": "EUR"
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "/job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates/pc:S1W-nP4irWwBvEvUAL_rY",
                    "methods": [
    "links": {
        "first": {
            "href": "/job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates",
            "methods": [
        "self": {
            "href": "/job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates",
            "methods": [

You can sort the results by fromCurrency, market, rateretrievedAt, and toCurrency. You can filter the results by fromCurrency, market, or toCurrency. For more information, see The sort query parameter and The filter query parameter.

Querying a specific foreign exchange rate for a policy

You can view the foreign exchange rate for the policy associated with a given job if you have access to view the job. Users with the Account holder role can view the foreign exchange rates on policies with the following statuses: cancellation, policy change, renewal, and submission.

Use the following endpoint to view a specific foreign exchange rate set associated with a policy:
  • GET job/v1/jobs/{job id}/foreign-exchange-rates/{foreignExchangeRateId}

For example, the following request returns foreign exchange rate pc:S1W-nP4 which is associated with job pc:S3bK17:

 GET job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates/pc:S1W-nP4

Response payload

    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "displayName": "PolicyFXRate pc:S1W-nP4",
            "fromCurrency": {
                "code": "usd",
                "name": "USD"
            "id": "pc:S1W-nP4",
            "market": {
                "code": "market",
                "name": "Market"
            "rate": "0.9382000000",
            "retrievedAt": "2024-10-18T17:33:11.227Z",
            "toCurrency": {
                "code": "eur",
                "name": "EUR"
        "links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "/job/v1/jobs/pc:S3bK17/foreign-exchange-rates/pc:S1W-nP4",
                "methods": [