Commission overrides

Producers typically earn commission for work related to the policies they are associated with. When PolicyCenter is integrated with BillingCenter, the default commission rate for a policy is determined by the BillingCenter commission plan associated with the policy's producer code.

A commission override is a value that changes the default commission rate. The default commission rate is specified by the commission plan associated with the producer code. Commission overrides are sometimes referred to as negotiated commission. They are often specified manually by the underwriter.

For information on enabling commission overrides and the business of commission overrides, see Application Guide

You can use Cloud API to specify the commission override for a section or a layer.

Commission overrides for a section

A policy section (section) is a set of coverages on a policy that are treated as a group for some insurance purpose, such as coinsurance or commission overrides. When you add a coverage to a submission and the coverage category associated with the coverage has a policy section, PolicyCenter automatically adds the policy section to the job.

When a product supports negotiated commissions and a submission job for that product includes policy sections, you can specify commission overrides for one or more sections on that submission.

Commission overrides for a layer

Create a tower when you want a coinsurance agreement to cover a range of risk in terms of financial limits. The tower can define a single range with a single agreement, or it can be divided into layers.

When a product supports negotiated commissions and a submission job for that product includes a layer, you can specify commission overrides for one or more layers on that submission.

Specify commission overrides

You can update the commission override associated with coverages in a policy section or a layer.

Use one of the following endpoints to override commissions:
Endpoint Results
PATCH /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/policy-sections/{sectionId} When the section is not associated with a coinsurance agreement or tower, this endpoint updates the override commission on the given section.
PATCH /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/coinsurane-agreements/{coinsuranceAgreementId}/policy-setions/{sectionId} When the section is associated with a policy-level or section-level coinsurance agreement, this endpoint updates the override commission on the given section.
PATCH /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/towers/{towerId}/policy-sections/{sectionId} When the section is associated with a tower, this endpoint updates the override commission on the given section.
PATCH /job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/towers/{towerId}/layers/{layerId} This endpoint updates the override commission on the given layer.

For example, the following request updates the override commissions to 4 percent for section HE on coinsurance agreement 5 for job pc:Sf-bEIu7Pui2fQz_40mdJ:

PATCH /job/v1/jobs/pc:Sf-bEIu7Pui2fQz_40mdJ/coinsurance-agreements/5/policy-sections/HO
Request body
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "overridePrimaryCommissionRate": "4"