Location named insureds
A location named insured is an additional named insured contact on a job or policy that is associated with a policy location. Support for location named insureds is dependent on the LOB configuration. The LOB might be configured for any of the following:
Location named insureds are not allowed.
One additional named insured contact can be associated with each policy location.
Multiple additional named insured contacts can be associated with each policy location.
Use the endpoints discussed here to work with location named insureds on LOBs where they are supported.
Creating an association
To create an association between a contact and a policy location, use the following command:
The following restrictions apply to creating an association between a contact and a policy location:
- The contact and the location must already exist on the job or policy to associate them. You cannot use these endpoints to create either a contact or a policy location. (See Policy contacts and Creating policy locations for creating policy contacts and locations.)
- The contact cannot be the primary or secondary named insured on the policy.
- You cannot create an association on a bound or quoted policy job. The job must be in draft status.
If the contact does not have the role of additional named insured on the policy, associating it with the policy location will give it that role.
The following example associates contact pc:200 with location 101 on job pc:50:
Retrieving location named insureds
Use the following commands to retrieve location named insureds:
The following example retrieves all location named insureds for location 101 on job pc:50.
This example retrieves the location named insureds from policy pc:123 for location 101.
Updating location named insureds
You cannot change anything about the association between a policy location and a contact, they’re either associated or they’re not. But you can delete the association.
The Delete command deletes the association between the contact and the policy location. It does not delete the contact or the policy location themselves.
If the contact was given the role of additional named insured on the policy when it was associated with the policy location, deleting the association does not remove that role. The contact will continue to be on the policy as an additional named insured.