Retrieve an archived policy

Retrieving a policy from the archive will restore it to the database and it will no longer be archived.


See Data Archiving for information on retrieving archived policies from previous versions of PolicyCenter.

Use the following command to retrieve a single archived policy:

POST /policies/{policyId}/retrieve-from-archive

For example, to retrieve archived policy pc:320, us the following:


POST /policies/pc:320/retrieve-from-archive

A request body is not required, but optionally you can include a reason for the retrieval.


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "reason": "This policy needs to be unarchived"

There is no response body on a successful retrieval. However, the response header provides information about the policy that can be useful when tracking the policy term that was retrieved. Look for the "Location" URL in the response header, which includes the asOfDate:

Location: /policy/v1/policies/pc:320?asOfDate=2023-05-08T07:01:00.000Z

Running a GET on this URL will ensure you retrieve information for this policy term in the case where a policy changes after this date.


PolicyCenter does not retrieve the policy immediately. Policies are retrieved when the Restore Policy Term work queue runs. Typically, this process runs at scheduled times throughout the day. Users with certain administrative privileges can run the RestorePolicyTerm process manually from the user interface in the Server Tools Work Queue Info screen.