Enabling the Test Util API

Warning: The Test Util API is intended for use in a development environment only. Do not use the Test Util API on a production system.

The Test Util API is enabled using substitution placeholders. A substitution placeholder is a variable that determines the setting of a specific server property. The value is stored outside of the Guidewire application. During server start-up, the Guidewire application looks for the property's value in the following places in this order. It uses the first value it finds.

  1. Guidewire Property Services
  2. Guidewire Cloud Console environment variables
  3. The application's config.properties file

The syntax for a substitution variable varies slightly based on where the value is being set.

Setting the values in Guidewire Property Services

To set the values in Guidewire Property Services, specify the following:

published-apis.PUBLISHEDAPIS_testutil_publish = true

Then, you must start (or restart) the server.

Setting the values in Guidewire Cloud Console environment variables

To set the values in Guidewire Cloud Console, specify the following:

PUBLISHEDAPIS_testutil_publish = true

Then, you must start (or restart) the server.

Setting the values in the application's config.properties file

To set the values in the application's config.properties file, specify the following:

published-apis.PUBLISHEDAPIS_testutil_publish = true

Then, you must start (or restart) the server.