Creating scheduled items

Identifying a scheduled item's definition

To create a scheduled item, you must know the product definition for the scheduled item. This includes the names of the ScheduledItemPropertyPattern values, their data types, and valid choice values, when relevant.

This information is available from the Product Definition API. To retrieve it, execute a GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/{lineId}/coverages request. This request returns information about all of the line-level coverages. It also contains information about coverages with scheduled items.

For example, suppose you are working with the homeowners line in the previous example. The code for this line is HOPLine. The following request retrieves information about the line-level coverages.

GET /productdefinition/v1/lines/HOPLine/coverages

If a coverage includes scheduled items, it has a scheduledItemProperties array. For example, the following is a snippet of the product definition for the Scheduled Personal Property coverage.

    "attributes": {
        "clauseType": "coverage",
        "description": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalProperty",
        "name": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "scheduledItemProperties": [
            <ScheduledItemPropertyPatterns are defined here>

This array contains every defined ScheduledItemPropertyPattern for the coverage. In most cases, the most relevant fields are the id, name, and valueType.

Non-choice property pattern examples

For example, these are the non-choice ScheduledItemPropertyPattern values for Scheduled Personal Property. (Fields other than id, name, and valueType have been omitted.)

    "attributes": {
        "clauseType": "coverage",
        "description": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalProperty",
        "name": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "scheduledItemProperties": [
                "id": "Description",
                "name": "Description",
                "valueType": "shorttext"
                "id": "SerialNo",
                "name": "Serial No",
                "valueType": "shorttext"
                "id": "Appraiser",
                "name": "Appraiser",
                "valueType": "shorttext"
                "id": "AppraisalInfo",
                "name": "Appraisal Information",
                "valueType": "shorttext"
                "id": "DateOfAppraisal",
                "name": "Date Of Appraisal",
                "valueType": "dateonly"
                "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemLimit",
                "name": "Limit",
                "valueType": "Decimal"
                "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemAppraisedValue",
                "name": "Appraised Value",
                "valueType": "Decimal"

Choice property pattern examples

If a ScheduledItemPropertyPattern value has a valueType of choice, it has an additional choices array. Properties are listed in alphabetical order, so the choice array appears before the description, id, and valueType fields. Be aware that when GETting or POSTing a scheduled item, the valueType is listed as choice. But in the product definition, the valueType is listed as Option.

For example, these are the choice ScheduledItemPropertyPattern values for Scheduled Personal Property. (Fields other than id, name, and valueType have been omitted.)
    "attributes": {
        "clauseType": "coverage",
        "description": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalProperty",
        "name": "Scheduled Personal Property",
        "scheduledItemProperties": [
                "choices": [
                        "code": "cameras",
                        "description": "Cameras"
                        "code": "fine_arts",
                        "description": "Fine Arts"
                        "code": "jewelry",
                        "description": "Jewelry"
                "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemType",
                "name": "Type",
                "valueType": "Option"
                "choices": [
                        "code": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemDeductible0",
                        "description": "$0"
                        "code": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemDeductible1000",
                        "description": "$1,000"
                        "code": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemDeductible5000",
                        "description": "$5,000"
                "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemDeductible",
                "name": "Deductible",
                "valueType": "Option"
                "choices": [
                        "code": "ReplCost",
                        "description": "Replacement cost"
                        "code": "ACV",
                        "description": "Actual cash value"
                "id": "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemValuation",
                "name": "Valuation Method"
                "valueType": "Option"

Creating a scheduled item

When POSTing a scheduled item, each field in the properties map must be set to the id of one of the ScheduledItemPropertyPattern values. It must then be followed by one of the <X>value fields (such as stringValue or choiceValue) based on the property's valueType.

There is no single set of property values that are required for all scheduled items. Both the required and possible values vary based on the structure of the line of business. In some cases, a scheduled item may have no required values.

As an example, suppose PolicyCenter requires the following values for a HOPScheduledPersonalProperty scheduled item from the previous example: Description, HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemType. The following request would create a minimal scheduled item of a 10-carat diamond appraised at $5000 for policy pc:505.


POST /job/v1/jobs/pc:505/lines/HOPLine/coverages/HOPScheduledPersonalProperty/scheduled-items

Request body

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "properties": {
        "Description": {
          "stringValue": "10-carat diamond",
        "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemType": {
          "choiceValue": {
            "code": "jewelry"
        "HOPScheduledPersonalPropertyItemAppraisedValue": {
          "decimalValue": "5000"