Product definitions for audit schedule patterns

The audit schedule patterns endpoints provide read-only access to metadata about the different types of audit schedules.

Note: For information on policy audits, see Audits.

The following endpoints are available:

  • GET /productdefinition/v1/audit-schedule-patterns
  • GET /productdefinition/v1/audit-schedule-patterns/{auditSchedulePatternId}

The fields returned in the response can vary based on the type of audit (such as Final Audit and Premium Report). For example, a Premium Report audit can have a frequency defined because those audits can occur based on a regular schedule, whereas a Final Audit happens only once per policy period and therefore doesn’t use a frequency attribute.

Here is an example showing possible responses of both a Final Audit and a Premium Report.


GET /productdefinition/v1/audit-schedule-patterns


  "data": [
      "attributes": {
      "auditMethod": {
        "code": "Phone",
        "name": "Phone"
      "description": "",
      "descriptionKey": "AuditSchedule_CancellationPhone.Description",
      "dueBusinessDayAdjustment": {
        "code": "NextBusinessDay",
        "name": "Next Business Day"
      "dueDelayAmount": 15,
      "dueDelayDirection": {
        "code": "After",
        "name": "after"
      "dueDelayUnit": {
        "code": "CalendarDays",
        "name": "Calendar Days"
      "id": "CancellationPhone",
      "initBusinessDayAdjustment": {
        "code": "NextBusinessDay",
        "name": "Next Business Day"
      "initDelayAmount": 0,
      "initDelayDirection": {
        "code": "Before",
        "name": "before"
      "initDelayUnit": {
        "code": "CalendarDays",
        "name": "Calendar Days"
      "isSeries": false,
      "name": "Cancellation Audit by Phone",
      "nameKey": "AuditSchedule_CancellationPhone.Name",
      "type": {
        "code": "FinalAudit",
        "name": "Final Audit"
      "attributes": {
        "auditMethod": {
          "code": "Voluntary",
          "name": "Voluntary"
        "calendarMonthRoundDate": 15,
        "description": "",
        "descriptionKey": "AuditSchedule_ReportCalendarMonthExclLast.Description",
        "dueBusinessDayAdjustment": {
          "code": "NextBusinessDay",
          "name": "Next Business Day"
        "dueDelayAmount": 15,
        "dueDelayDirection": {
          "code": "After",
          "name": "after"
        "dueDelayUnit": {
          "code": "CalendarDays",
          "name": "Calendar Days"
        "excludeLastAuditPeriod": true,
        "frequency": {
          "code": "Monthly",
          "name": "Monthly"
        "id": "ReportCalendarMonthExclLast",
        "initBusinessDayAdjustment": {
          "code": "NextBusinessDay",
          "name": "Next Business Day"
        "initDelayAmount": 5,
        "initDelayDirection": {
          "code": "Before",
          "name": "before"
        "initDelayUnit": {
          "code": "CalendarDays",
          "name": "Calendar Days"
        "intervalComputationType": {
          "code": "CalendarMonth",
          "name": "Calendar Month"
        "isSeries": true,
        "minimumAuditPeriodLength": 15,
        "name": "Monthly Reports by calendar month, exclude last month",
        "nameKey": "AuditSchedule_ReportCalendarMonthExclLast.Name",
        "paymentPlanCode": "ReportingPlanId",
        "reportingDefaultDepositPct": "10",
        "type": {
          "code": "PremiumReport",
          "name": "Premium Report"