Modifier validation

Default validation for modifiers

In most cases, PolicyCenter does not allow the following behaviors:

  • Setting the values for an unavailable modifier.
  • Setting the value for the rateModifier field outside of the min/max range.
  • Setting the value for rate factors on the modifier outside of the min/max range.

Some of these behaviors may occur as the result of a submission becoming out of sync. In these cases, you can rectify the situation by calling the appropriate /sync-modifiers endpoint. For more information, see Synchronization and deferred validation.

Deferring validation

For Cloud API, the default validation behavior is referred to as immediate validation. In this approach, validation is provided with each call. A validation error in one call can prevent later calls from executing. This approach is appropriate for caller applications that build submissions interactively, such as those backing a user interface.

There is a second behavior called deferred validation. In this approach, validation takes place only after the caller application has put the submission into what it believes to be a consistent state. This is an option for non-interactive caller applications with sufficient authorization. This approach can simplify submission processing by preventing validation checks when the submission is known to potentially be in an inconsistent state. This approach can also reduce the need to determine whether modifiers need to be synchronized.

For more information on deferred validation, see Synchronization and deferred validation.