Synchronization and deferred validation

The contents of a policy can be divided into two categories.

Some content is LOB-specific. The exact structure of these contents vary based on the associated lines of business. This includes:

  • Lines
  • Coverables
  • Coverages and coverage terms
  • Modifiers
  • Questions
  • Exposures
  • Exclusions
  • Conditions

Some content is LOB-generic. The structure of these contents remains the same, regardless of the associated lines of business. This includes:

  • Policy contacts
  • Policy locations

This topic discusses the need to synchronize policy data, how you can defer validation, and how you can disable the creation of default values.

To view an example of a composite request that creates an account, creates a submission, modifies each type of policy content, and then quotes the submission, see the Cloud API Developer Guide.