Querying for activities

Activities cannot exist on their own. They must be attached to a parent object. In PolicyCenter, activities can be attached to accounts, jobs, or policies.

You can use the following endpoints to GET activities.

Endpoint Returns
/common/v1/activities All activities
/common/v1/activities/{activityId} The activity with the given ID
/account/v1/accounts/{accountId}/activities All activities associated with the given account
/job/v1/jobs/{jobId}/activities All activities associated with the given job
/policy/v1/policies/{policyId}/activities All activities associated with the given policy

Note that the endpoints to retrieve activities exist in different APIs. To get all activities for an account, job, or policy, you use endpoints in the Account API, Job API, or Policy API. But to get information about all activities (regardless of parent), or to get information about a specific activity, you use endpoints in the Common API.

For example, the following query retrieves the IDs and subjects of all activities for account pc:101. This endpoint is in the Account API.


GET account/v1/accounts/pc:101/activities?fields=id,subject


  "count": 2,
    "data": [
        "attributes": {
          "id": "pc:23221",
          "subject": "All ordered MVRs received - Clear"
        "attributes": {
          "id": "pc:40404",
          "subject": "Review Risk Information"

The following query retrieves activity pc:40404 in detail. This endpoint is in the Common API.


GET /common/v1/activities/pc:40404


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "activityType": {
        "code": "general",
        "name": "General"
      "assignedGroup": {
        "displayName": "Los Angeles Branch UW",
        "id": "pc:SPMK8WfF0qE3G7erNndfW"
      "assignedUser": {
        "displayName": "Alice Applegate",
        "id": "pc:SSmfb1spW-C2IyI8rFOja",
        "type": "User",
        "uri": "/admin/v1/users/pc:SSmfb1spW-C2IyI8rFOja"
      "assignmentStatus": {
        "code": "assigned",
        "name": "Assigned"
      "createTime": "2023-11-26T08:02:56.607Z",
      "description": "Review the risk information for the policy's scheduled items.",
      "dueDate": "2023-11-26T08:02:56.604Z",
      "escalated": false,
      "externallyOwned": false,
      "id": "pc:40404",
      "mandatory": false,
      "priority": {
        "code": "normal",
        "name": "Normal"
      "recurring": false,
      "status": {
        "code": "open",
        "name": "Open"
      "subject": "Review Risk Information"